Recent development of Shari'a banking is quite satisfying. In 2016, shari'a banking has reported the asset as much as 365.6 trillion rupiahs. On the other hands, the index of shari'a financial literacy and inclusion has not been optimum that is only 8.11% and 11.06% respectively. Therefore, a new innovation is needed to increase the index of literacy and inclusion as a challenge in shari'a banking in Indonesia. As a response, Indonesia Financial Services Authority (OJK) has launched a new regulation of Non-Office Financial Services in the Framework of Inclusive Finance (Laku Pandai) which is expected to increase the index of shari'a financial inclusion. In the application, shari'a finance, which is based on the Islamic laws, should get itself closer to the centre of Islamic spiritual development, namely mosques. A mosque, however, does not only function as a place for developing spirituality but also plays an important role in improving economic activities. Hence, this study is conducted by qualitative research applying the method of Grounded Theory. The synergy between the Laku Pandai program and mosques is performed by involving ummah”the community”as the agent of Laku Pandai whose duty is to assist the community in getting suitable shari'a products and services. In this case, the products of Laku Pandai can be used in worshipping activities (qurban, umroh, hajj, etc), phone-credit recharging, and micro-shari'a financing. The application of this synergy, however, will make the products and services of shari'a finance accessible to the community and thus increase the index of shari'a financial inclusion at once. The mosque-based education about shari'a finance is obtained by Islamic studies, lectures, and socialization initiated by involved parties, religious leaders and the society, so that it will also increase the index of shari'a financial literacy.
Keywords: Laku Pandai, literacy, inclusion, shari'a finance, mosque
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