Editorial Policies
- Focus and Scope
- Section Policies
- Peer Review Process
- Publication Frequency
- Open Access Policy
- Archiving
- Article Processing Charge
- Plagiarism Screening
- Publication Ethics
- AI Regulation
- Copyright Notice
Jurnal Ekonomi dan Bisnis Islam (JEBIS) provides a platform for academics and professionals to share insights through writings on the latest developments and advances in the science and practice of Islamic economics both in theory and practice. JEBIS accommodates various ideas regarding Islamic economics with appropriate research methods. JEBIS also strives to publish quality scientific papers, discussing issues of concern to Islamic economics, Islamic business and Islamic finance, at at Islamic countries and other countries that support Islamic economics system.
The spread of Islamic Economics include (but not limited to):
1. Islamic Economics and Social Finance
- Zakat
- Waqf
- Islamic Philanthropy
- Islamic Economics Development
- Islamic Cooperatives
2. Islamic Business and Halal
- Islamic Supply Chain, Halal Food, Fashion, Tourism, Cosmetics, and Pharmaceutical
- Islamic Consumer Behavior, Islamic Value for Customer Behavior
- Islamic Entrepreneurship, Small and Micro Enterprises
- Islamic Value in Business
- Financial Technology (FinTech)
- Islamic Codes of Conduct and Ethics
- Islamic Environmental Management
3. Islamic Banking, Finance and Capital Market
- Takaful
- Islamic Banking, Islamic Contract, Islamic Product
- Islamic Portfolio, Islamic Capital Market
- Sharia Governance
- Islamic Index
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Editors- Sylva Rusmita
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All received manuscripts will be peer reviewed with the double-blind policy by at least 2 reviewers. The final decision of manuscripts will be made by editor in chief according to reviewers' comments in a forum of the editorial board meeting. Scanning of plagiarism on the manuscripts will be conducted by using Turnitin software.
- The manuscript that has been selected by the editorial board will be submitted to the reviewer.
- Manuscript review process carried out in a predetermined time period (a maximum of 4 weeks), if need extra time should confirm to the secretariat of the editors.
- During the review process, reviewers follow the style guide scriptwriting
- Reviewers check the substance of the text carefully to get the maening information text.
- Reviewers checking the suitability and appropriateness of writing citations with a list of references / bibliography manuscript.
- Reviewers noted and recommendations in writing to the improvement of the manuscript authors clearly;
- The results of article reviews will be sent to the Chief Editor or Managing Editor by filling out the Review Form
(JEBIS) Jurnal Ekonomi dan Bisnis Islam is published by University of Airlangga, 2 times every year, on June and December, each edition is 100-500 pages
JEBIS provides immediate open access to its content on the principle that making research freely available to the public supports a greater global exchange of knowledge.
This journal utilizes CLOCKSS systems to create a distributed archiving system among participating libraries and permits those libraries to create permanent archives of the journal for purposes of preservation and restoration.
There are no any Article Processing Charges (APC) for all authors of JEBIS including for submission, peer-reviewing, editing, publishing, maintaining and archiving, and allow immediate access to the full-text versions of the article.
Scanning of plagiarism on the manuscripts will be conducted by using Turnitin software
AI Regulations for Manuscript Publication
- AI Screening: A Turnitin software will be used to screen manuscripts for AI-generated content. If the AI detection rate exceeds 10%, the manuscript will be returned to the authors for revision or potentially rejected, depending on the article's novelty, contribution, and overall quality.
- Prohibition of AI-Generated Content: The use of AI to generate any part of the manuscript, including the text, results, analysis, or images, is strictly prohibited.
- Disclosure of AI Assistance: Any use of AI tools for tasks such as grammar checking or copy editing must be disclosed in the manuscript's acknowledgments.
Ethical guidelines for journal publication
The Faculty of Economics and Business, Universitas Airlangga, Indonesia, publishes the open-access, peer-reviewed, and scholarly magazine Jurnal Ekonomi dan Bisnis Islam (JEBIS). Jurnal Ekonomi dan Bisnis Islam (JEBIS) aims to publish original research articles from academics and practitioners on various Islamic Economics topics, including research reports, case studies, theoretical applications, critical studies, and literature reviews. The journal's scope includes Islamic banking and finance, Islamic capital markets, Islamic business, and halal; however, it is open to other themes that align with the journal's scope.
As the publisher of Jurnal Ekonomi dan Bisnis Islam (JEBIS), Universitas Airlangga takes its stewardship over all publishing phases very seriously and is aware of its ethical and other obligations. We are dedicated to ensuring that editorial choices are unaffected by advertising, reprints, or additional commercial money. Where this is useful and essential, the JEBIS Editorial Team will assist with discussions with other related parties.
The COPE Best Practice Guidelines for Journal Editors serve as the foundation for this assertion.
Authors Duties
Standardization of Reporting
The authors report should provide originality of works, precise work, and clear research objection that gives solid impacts in to society both academically and practically. The data ought to proper to be explain in the papers. All references should cite properly using the appropriate software, the incomplete of references is a part of unethical actions and not acceptable. -
Data Access and Retention
Raw data materials might be asked by editorial team to ensure the quality of research. Authors need to prepare the data and shows the reasonable research period. -
Originality and Plagiarism
Authors should write properly and cite the references well to prevent plagiarism. JESBIS only accept low similarity of manuscript (under 35%). -
Multiple, Redundant, or Concurrent Publication
Submit the manuscript in 2 journals, with the same title straightly prohibited. -
Appropriate acknowledgement should be written clearly and exist at the end of research. Mention influential persons or organizations who contributed but limited to be part of authorship is should reported as well as emphasize there is no conflict of interest among authors. -
The author criteria is an individual who significantly contributed to the manuscript, including the concept of the manuscript, research design, and profound analysis of the result of the study. Co-authors consider everyone who contributed to the editing and methodological process (data collection and data processing). A person should choose as the corresponding author responsible for ensuring the final version of the article follows appropriate rules and has been approved by all authors as well as the agreement of the research publication. -
Conflicts of Interest and Disclosure
Mention no conflict of interest and disclose any financial aid or support about manuscript publication is mandatory to put at acknowledgement part. -
Fundamental Errors in Published Works
Any mistakes that exist on the manuscript is part of authors obligation to correct it and cooperate with editorial team.
Editorial Duties
The process of manuscript evaluation by editor must not contain any discrimination toward race, gender, sexual orientation, belief, ethnic, citizenship, and other political philosophy of authors. -
Disclose any additional information about corresponding authors, reviewers, potential reviewers, editorial advisers, and publisher straightly prohibited. Editorial team must sent the blind manuscript which not contain information about author to reviewer.
Disclosure and Conflicts of Interest
Without the author's express written approval, any unpublished materials provided in a submitted work may not be used by the editor for personal research. -
Every articles submitted to the journal should be published is a decision that the editor board journal makes. Such choices must always be based on the validity of the work in question and its contribution to the knowledge, practitioners, and readers. The editorial board's policies for the journal may serve as a guidance, and the editors may be restrained by any laws that may be in effect at the time with regard to libel, copyright infringement, and plagiarism. If necessary, the editors able to consult with other members or reviewers when deciding unethical issues. -
Manuscript Review
Each manuscript must be evaluated by the editor for originality at first. The editor should fairly and intelligently organize and use peer review. Editors should specify which sections of the publication are peer-reviewed and include a description of their peer review procedures in the material for writers. For manuscripts that are being considered for publication, the editor should use acceptable peer reviewers by choosing individuals with enough knowledge and avoiding those who have conflicts of interest.
Reviewer Duties
Contribution to Editorial Decisions
Reviewer suggest the decision of manuscript to be published by the journal and communicate it to editorial board as well as assist authors to improve their manuscripts. -
Referees who are not in line with manuscript research area and not necessary to be part of reviewers, need to be reported their self to editor and exclude themselves to review process along with their objective. -
Objective Standards
The review process must held objectively without consider unnecessary personal criticism as well as giving clear direction when give the feedback to authors. -
All research manuscripts sent to the reviewer must be grasped confidential and not allowed to be known to anybody without permission from the editor. -
Conflict of Interest and Disclosure
Reviewers should keep the manuscript idea secret and strictly prohibited from using it for their benefit. Furthermore, any relationship or connection between parties (organization, authors, or business) cannot be part of decision-making. Reviewers must make decisions based on the objectivity of manuscript quality. -
Acknowledgment of References
Reviewers should point out references articles that the authors have not cited. Any claim that an observation, a deduction, or an argument has been previously published should be accompanied with the pertinent citation. Additionally, a reviewer should alert the editor to any significant overlap or similarity between the manuscript under consideration and any other published paper they are personally familiar with.
- Every manuscript submitted to JEBIS must obey to the policy and terms set by Journal of Economics and Business Islamic.
- If the article is accepted for publication, authors continue to retain the copyright to their article and transfer non exclusive publishing rights to the journal. Publication rights on the contents of manuscript published by JEBIS is owned by Journal of Economics and Business Islamic under consent and approval by the corresponding author(s).
- Full text of electronic publication of manuscripts can be accessed free if used for the purpose of education and research according to copyright regulation.
- Share ” copy and redistribute the material in any medium or format
- Adapt ” remix, transform, and build upon the material
- You must give appropriate credit, provide a link to the license, and indicate if changes were made. You may do so in any reasonable manner, but not in any way that suggests the licensor endorses you or your use.
- You may not use the material for commercial purposes.
- If you remix, transform, or build upon the material, you must distribute your contributions under the same license as the original.