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Author Guidelines



Before submitting the manuscript, the author(s) are required to fill out copyright form (or originality form) and cover letter (in document template' file) which format can be downloaded on the right side of our website through the following page . Later when submitting the manuscript, those forms must be included (included in the manuscript file).

1 Manuscript is written in Microsoft Word program. Font type: Times New Romans, 10 regular points, justify, line spacing using multiple 1.2. Chemical structures can be made with Chemdraw. Photos and images are in jpg/jpeg format and graphics can be presented using excel.

2 Image and table files are placed separately from the manuscript.

3 Image including graphic is made separate from the manuscript. The title of the image is written at the bottom of the picture with the Arabic numerical serial number.

4 Table and description: table must be intact on one page. The title of the table is written at the top of the table in Arabic numerical serial number.

5 The manuscript is written in English, arranged in the following order:

a.  Title. Written with ‘Title Case' (Capital letter must be used in every initial word except conjunctions), bold, and maximum of 18 words.

b.  Author's names. Written without title, first name is written in lowercase except the first letter, last name is written in all capital letters, and author's institution must be completely written.  

If the authors are from different institutions, use signs such as 1,2,3, and so on behind the names of each writer. The author who is the correspondence address is marked * and must be accompanied by the address of the complete institution and e-mail.

c.  Abstract:  Written in English languages, containing 200-250 words. Abstract is organized as follows: Background, Objective, Methods, Results, and Conclusion.

d. Keywords: 1 - 5 keywords.


Containing background and research objectives.


Containing explanations about: Material(s) (state the origin and qualifications); Tool(s) (only those that determine the results of the study; state their name, brand, and qualifications); Method(s) (procedures for conducting research, in this section also write a certificate of ethics if the research involves experimental animals).


Containing the explanation of the results of all the stages described in the method section.


Containing a summary of what is obtained from the results of research and what needs to be further studied.


Containing several sentences to appreciate those who help conducting the research.

j.  BIBLIOGRAPHY  (see instruction)

Using the citation standard application (Mendeley/Endnote) is a must. References of at least 80% comes from SCIENTIFIC PUBLICATIONS in the form of journals from the latest 5 years maximum counted since the manuscript submission to JFIKI.

6  Citations in the article are indicated by the author's last name followed by the year. If the citation has more than two authors, write the last name of the main author followed by et al. (if in English) and dkk. (if in Indonesian). Then, write the year. For example:

Cell suspension culture of Solanum mammosum has the ability to biotransform salicylamide to glycosides (Syahrani et al., 1997)

7. Bibliography is arranged alphabetically by the main name of the main author.

a.  Magazines/journals (standard journal article): full last name, followed by other name abbreviations taken from the first letters of the name, year of publication, article title, magazine/journal name (do not abbreviate but write it completely), volume (italicized), and page number. For example:

Bosworth, H. B., Olsen, M. K., McCant, F., Harrelson, M., Gentry, P. & Rose, C. (2007). Hypertension Intervention Nurse Telemedicine Study (HINTS): testing a multifactorial tailored behavioral/educational and a medication management intervention for blood pressure control. American Heart Journal153; 918-24.

b.  Book: all the names of the authors are mentioned (full last name, followed by first name abbreviation), year of publication, article title, editor's name, book title, volume (italicized), edition, publisher, city, and page number. For example:

Cade, J. F. & Pain, M. C. F. (1988). Essentials of Respiratory Medicine. Blackwell Science; 220-230. Oxford: ABC Publishing.

Colby, V. T., Carrington, C. B. & Pain, M. C. F. (1999) Infiltrative lung disease In: Thurlbeck WM (ed.) Pathology of the Lung; 198-213. New York: Thieme Medical Publishers.

c.  Electronic material. For example:

World Health Organisation. (2003). Update 94: Preparing for the Next Influenza Season in a World Altered by SARS. http://www.who.International/csr/disease/influenz a/sars. Accessed: 15 September 2003.

d.  Undergraduate thesis, graduate thesis, dissertation, or poster as well as others. For example:

Dina, S. (2004). Uji Antimalaria In Vivo Isolat Andrografolida dari Andrographis    paniculata Nees Terhadap Plasmodium berghei pada Mencit. Skripsi; Fakultas Farmasi Universitas Airlangga, Surabaya.

8. Abbreviations:  Using abbreviations is not recommended except for standard units of measurement (e.g. g, mg, mL, kg, or cm). Abbreviations used must be defined in parentheses when they are first mentioned in abstract section and again in the script. Abbreviations must be written back on the description of the figure or table, if any. A list of abbreviations used and definitions must be included as part of the text.

9 Manuscripts received will be corrected, given notes, and sent back to the author for correction. The author needs to send back the manuscript that has been corrected in printed form and file form.

10. The author will receive a copy of the published manuscript.

Jurnal Farmasi dan Ilmu Kefarmasian Indonesia (JFIKI) receives manuscript from the results of research, surveys, and literature reviews that are closely related to the health sector, particularly the pharmaceutical field. JFIKI is published every six months. The manuscript published is a selection result that has been approved by the Editorial Board and has never been published in other publications. The manuscript is submitted via JFIKI open journal system (OJS) website, which can be accessed via the following page:



Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.

  1. The submitted manuscript has not been published before, nor it is being processed by another journal.

  2. The submitted manuscript file uses the Microsoft Word document format.
  3. If available, the URL or link from each source that is written in the bibliography needs to be included.
  4. Cover letter (contained in the document template) and copyright forms must be included when submitting manuscripts as supplementary files.
  5. The writing style and bibliography used in the manuscript must be in accordance with Author Guidelines which applies to JFIKI.
  6. The submitted manuscript is an original work (will be screened for plagiarism). If the manuscript does not comply with these guidelines, it will be returned to the author.

Copyright Notice


1. The copyright of this journal belongs to the Editorial Board and Journal Manager with the author's knowledge, while the moral right of the publication belong to the author.

2. The formal legal aspect of journal publication accessibility refers to the Creative Commons Attribution-Non-Commercial-Share Alike (CC BY-NC-SA), which implies that the publication can be used for non-commercial purposes in its original form.

3. Every publication (print/electronic) is open access for educational, research, and library purposes. In addition to the objectives mentioned above, the editorial board is not responsible for copyright infringement



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The name and email address entered on this journal website will be used specifically for processing purposes in this journal and will not be available for other purposes or for other parties.