Potential of Graptophyllum pictum Leaf Decoction as an Immunomodulator: Modulation of Macrophage Phagocytosis and Lymphocyte Proliferation
Background: Red pudding leaves (Graptophyllum pictum) are commonly used by the Lebong community in Bengkulu as an immune system-enhancing drink containing flavonoids, glycosides, saponins, tannins, and triterpenoids. Objective: This study aimed to evaluate the potential of red pudding leaves as immunomodulatory agents in vitro and assess their total flavonoid content. Methods: The extraction method employed was a decoction, and the flavonoid content was measured using the TLC method by calculating the resulting Rf value and utilizing the LC-MS technique. The total flavonoid content was quantified using a colorimetric method, and immunomodulatory activity was assessed based on the phagocytosis capacity, phagocytosis index, and lymphocyte proliferation. Results: The results showed that red pudding leaf contained flavonoid compounds based on the LC-MS method in the form of trans-3-Indoleacrylic acid, schaftoside, adenine, corymboside, fraxetin and 4-coumaric acid. The total flavonoid content obtained at a concentration of 7.5% amounted to 74.937 mg QE/g; at a concentration of 15%, it amounted to 75.483 mg QE/g; and at a concentration of 30%, it amounted to 97.825 mg QE/g. All red pudding leaf infusion concentrations increased macrophage phagocytosis activity and lymphocyte cell proliferation. Conclusion: In conclusion, red pudding leaves show potential for development as an alternative beverage to enhance the immune system.
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