Noise Exposure and Hearing Loss on Field Operator Compressor House Area
Introduction: Noise is one of the physical hazards that can not be separated from the industrial environment which causes noise that arises as the result of production activities. The Auditory and non-auditory impacts can affect the workers. This study aims to analyze the relation between intensity of noise with auditory threshold value on the field operators who work in the compressor house area. Method: This was an observational analytic using a cross-sectional design. The population was the overall number of workers and the sample was 32 peoples, determined using simple random sampling method. The independent variables in this study were the noise intensity, age and working period meanwhile the dependent variable was the auditory threshold value. Data were obtained by field observations and the results of questionnaires. The collected data were analyzed using Pearson Correlation tests. Result and Discussion: There was a relation between noise intensity with right ear auditory threshold value (p = 0.009) but no relation with left ear auditory threshold value (p = 0.085). Age has no relation with right ear auditory threshold value (p = 0.161) and left ear auditory threshold value (p = 0.169). The working period has no relation with right ear auditory threshold value (p = 360) and left ear auditory threshold value ( p= 0,173). Conclusion: The conclucion is the noise intensity has a relation with the exixtence of right ear hearing disturbance.
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