Environment Health Risk Assessment of Ambient Air Quality in Ambon
Abstract: Ambon has population that more increasing. It implies an increase number of vehicles that will increase the concentration of contaminants in the air. The aim of this study is to analyze the Environmental Health Risk Assessment (ARKL) to determine the risk of exposure of air pollutants on the health of employees shop around Jalan Diponegoro Ambon. This study used cross sectional design with Environmental Health Risk Assessment (ARKL) approach. There were 15 people samples according inclusion criteria specifi ed. The results showed that the average concentration of SO2, NO2, O3, dust, Pb, and NH3 the highest at 14:00 to 15:00 WIT and the lowest at 18:00 to 19:00 WIT. The average risk quotient of the pollutants shows the value of Risk Quontient (RQ) < 1. It was concluded that all air pollutants in Jalan Diponegoro Ambon City still safe and still under National Ambient Air Quality Standards if in a short time, but instead will be very high risk to the health impact if employees and the communities around Jalan Diponegoro exposed for a long time and continuously. Therefore, monitoring, supervision, and guidance by the administration in Ambon City will be needed to minimize their health problems as well as planting trees to absorb air pollutants around the highway in the city of Ambon.
Keywords: SO2, NO2, O3, Dust, Pb, NH3, ARKL
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