Modifikasi Miring Kiri dan Elevasi Kepala Menurunkan Back Pain Post Percutaneous Coronary Intervention

modified position back pain percutaneous coronary intervention


July 23, 2017


Introduction: Modified left lateral position and head elevation is a very important for 6 hours patient immobility after percutaneous coronary intervention. Patient immobility have higher risk of discomfort or back pain and leg pain. The objective of this study was to identify the effect of modified left lateral position and head elevation on pain reduction after percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI) with vascular closure device.

Method: A quasy experimental design was used in this study with population were percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI) patient in Surabaya International Hospital. There were 20 respondents who met to the inclusion criteria which taken by using purposive sampling technique and divided into two groups, 10 respondents as experiment group and 10 respondents as control group. Data were collected by using questionnaire and observation for pain respons and distal pulsation (dorsalis pedis artery), then data were analyzed by using Mann Whitney U test and Independent t-Test with significance level a=0.01.

Result: The results showed that there was a significance effect of modified left lateral position and head elevation on reducing back pain with Mann Whitney U test (p=0.00) and there was a significance effect of modified left lateral position and head elevation on the change of dorsalis pedis pulsation with Independent t-Test (p=0.00).

Discussion: It can be concluded that modified left lateral position and head elevation reduce back pain on patients post percutaneous coronary intervention. Further studies should be developed to identify the effect of modified left lateral position and head elevation on other variables of pain and stress.

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