Implementation of Vufind Application As Web Scale Discovery Services To Improve Easiness Access of Open E"Resources: Case Study At University of Jember Library
The increase number and vast of information resources in library, both internal or external resources, encourage University of Jember library to use an aplication base on Web Scale Discovery Services (WSDS) for managing open access e"Resources. This study provide an overview of implementation open source Vufind discovery tools in order to give new e"resources search Services at University of Jember library, so user able to access various open access databases in one indexer portal. This research uses descriptive qualitative method, with a case study approach. Data was collected by observation, interview, and document tracing methods. In this study, interviews were conducted informally, so that researchers and informants were in a natural situation. Meanwhile, data testing was carried out using the triangulation method. As results, the technical problems in implementing Vufind are in harvesting and editing metadata, because there is a lot of differences of metadata form myriad databases. Other research result show that Implementation Vufind Web Scale Discovery Services at University of Jember Library is very useful in facilitating access to various databases open access e"resources
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