ISSN International Centre

p-ISSN : 2580-0140

e-ISSN : 2597-7571

Journal of Public Health Research and Community Health Development, or also known as JPH RECODE, is a journal published by the Public Health Study Program of the Faculty of Health, Medicine, and Life Science Universitas Airlangga. Our journal is published biannually in March and October. 

The journal employs peer-review mechanism where each submitted article should be anonymously reviewed by expert peers appointed by the editor.  The aim of JPH RECODE is to publish exciting high-quality recent science and community health development activities in public health. JPH RECODE welcomes submissions from around the world as well as from Indonesia. The journal is particularly interested in public health issues in the tropics. The scope of JPH RECODE includes epidemiology, health promotion and behavior science, public health nutrition, sexual and reproductive health, environmental health, occupational health and safety, health administration and policy, biostatistics and population health, and health care and hospital management. 

We accept manuscripts in the following categories: 1) Original Research Paper, 2) Critical review articles, 3) Literature Review, 4) Case Study, 5) Community Health Development Report. We only accept manuscripts that are within the scope of the journal and that are not being considered for publication in other journals as confirmed in the Author's declaration form

JPH RECODE has been indexed in DOAJ, SINTA, DimensionsEBSCO Essentials and others indexing databases. This journal has been accredited at 4th Grade on the Indonesian Ministry of Education and Culture Accredation for Scientific Journal (Sinta 4) since 12 December 2022. JPH RECODE has been collaborating with the Association of Indonesian Public Health Scholars and Professionals (PERSAKMI)the Indonesian Association of Construction Safety Experts (PAKKI)the Indonesian Association of Behavior Change Intervention Practitioners (IPIPPI)the Indonesian Hyperhealth and Work Safety Association (AHKKI)the Indonesian Public Health Association (IAKMI), and the Association of Indonesian Environmental Health Experts (HAKLI).

JPH RECODE was first published in October 2017 (Volume 1 Issue 1) with 6 manuscripts in 60 pages, then from March 2018 our journal has been publishing 8 manuscripts in every edition.  From October 2022 our journal has been publishing 10 manuscripts in every edition. Manuscripts can be written in full Indonesian (Bahasa Indonesia) or full English but the final version is published in English. Please note that Volume 1 Issue 1 2017 - Volume 2 Issue 1 2019 was previously processed offline.

For submission, please kindly open HERE. 


Current Issue

Vol. 8 No. 2 (2025): March

Volume 8 No 2 contains 8 research articles, 1 literature review, and 1 community health development in the area of public health. These articles were authored/co-authored by 51 authors from 13 institutions and 5 countries (Malaysia, Zimbabwe, India, Iraq, and Indonesia).

Published: 2025-02-28

Research Articles