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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • The submission has not been previously published, nor is it before another journal for consideration (or an explanation has been provided in Comments to the Editor).
  • The submission file is in OpenOffice, Microsoft Word, RTF, or WordPerfect document file format.
  • Where available, URLs for the references have been provided.
  • The text is single-spaced; uses a 12-point font; employs italics, rather than underlining (except with URL addresses); and all illustrations, figures, and tables are placed within the text at the appropriate points, rather than at the end.
  • The text adheres to the stylistic and bibliographic requirements outlined in the Author Guidelines, which is found in About the Journal.
  • If submitting to a peer-reviewed section of the journal, the instructions in Ensuring a Blind Review have been followed.

Author Guidelines

AUTHOR GUIDELINES. JPH RECODE accepts manuscripts in the form of research reports and literature studies in the field of public health studies that have never been processed for publication in another journal. The manuscript can use full Indonesian or full English, specifically the title and abstract according to the provisions. Manuscripts are sent free of charge in Microsoft Word files to OJS JPH RECODE. Guidelines for writing JPH RECODE as follows:

  1. The flow of submission of articles in JPH RECODE begins by submitting manuscripts, originality forms, author declarations, and certificate of ethics in add supplementary files in OJS JPH RECODE. Manuscipts entered since December 4, 2019 are required to attach a certificate of ethics, this applies to all types of research, except literature studies. Then, if the manuscript is final / accepted (completed through the review process), the author must send a Copyright transfer statement, minutes of corrections, tittle page, and (informed consent, permission letter, and instrument if using) sent by email
  2. The article manuscript that is sent does not contain a conflict of interest.
  3. All texts are written with the following rules:
    1. Manuscripts are written in the IMRAD "Introduction, Method, Result and Discussion" (Introduction, method, result and discussion)
    2. A4 (29.7 cm X 21 cm) margin (top, left, right, bottom) 2.5 cm
    3. Article manuscrip use font Times New Roman font size 11, space 1, left and right. Except for abstracts and keyword size 10 letters
    4. Do not use add space before and do not use add space after 
    5. A maximum of 12 pages in one article
    6. Each page is numbered in descending order, starting from the title page to the last one in the lower right corner.
  4. The manuscript is typed in one column in the title and abstract, then the introduction until the bibliography is typed in two columns. The writing in the article uses Ejaan Yang Disempurnakan (EYD) and is not allowed to use conjunctions at the beginning of the sentence.
  5. The article component contains titles, abstracts in Indonesian and English, keywords, introduction, methods, results, discussion, limitations of research (if any), conclusions, suggestions, acknowledgments (if any), and bibliography. (For the name of the author, agency, and e-mail in the article. All three will be written in the format of the tittle page article).
  6. Writing all articles is not allowed to write points, for example 1,2,3 or a, b, c. Particularly for the results and discussion section, subtitles with bold capital each word .
  7. The title must be clear, concise and attractive, written in Indonesian and English with a maximum of 15 words.
  8. The abstracts are written in two languages, namely Indonesian and English, each with a maximum of 250 words. Abstracts contain background (1-2 sentences), research objectives (1 sentence), methods (2-3 sentences), research results (1-2 sentence), conclusions (1 sentence). All made in one (1) paragraph. Writing abstracts with Times New Roman font 10 font size 1 space.
  9. The keywords in Indonesian/English: 3-6 words (lowercase writing). The keywords used should reflect the concepts contained in the related article to help increase the accessibility of the article. Writing keywords with Times New Roman font size 10.
  10. The introduction contains the background of the research described in the identification of problems with the inverted pyramid method starting from global, national, local and ending research objectives. Each paragraph starts with words that are indented into five digits.
  11. The method describes the type of research, location and time of study, population and sample (informants in qualitative research), sampling techniques, data collection techniques and instruments, data analysis, and data presentation. Each paragraph starts with words that are indented into five digits.
  12. The results are in the form of research output by describing authentic and valid findings and in accordance with the objectives and research methods, for example describing the characteristics of univariate, bivariate and multivariate analysis if any. In this section you can use tables and figures. Interpretation of results is made in the form of a narrative below the table or figure with the provisions of the paragraph starting with the words that are protruding into five digits. Table and figure conditions are as follows:
    1. Writing tables and figures using the font Times New Roman 11 and spaces 1
    2. Table titles are numbered and are above the left-aligned table
    3. The source of the table is located below the left aligned table (if the table is derived from secondary data)
    4. The image titles are numbered sequentially and are located below the left aligned image
    5. The source of the image is located below the left alignment before the image title (if the image is from secondary data)
    6. The position of the tables and figures are full on the article sheet, not cut by two columns. Image center position
    7. The table is presented on the same sheet, if it must be continued on the next sheet then given the title of the table again and given the information "continued"
    8. Writing tables may not precede the narrative
  13. The discussion contains reasons that explain the results of research and other studies that support and not in line with the results obtained. It is not permitted to use the same words as those listed in the results and it is not permissible to re-read the analysis tables and graphs. Written by describing the theory and results of previous studies. Each paragraph starts with words that are indented into five digits.
  14. Research limitations (if any). It contains the limitations that exist in the study if it affects the research results. Each paragraph starts with words that are indented into five digits.
  15. The conclusion contains a summary of the description of the results with reference to the research objectives. Each paragraph starts with words that are indented into five digits.
  16. Acknowledgments (if any). Acknowledgments are mainly to research funders or donors. Acknowledgments can also be conveyed to those who helped carry out the research. Each paragraph starts with words that are indented into five digits.
  17. Suggestions can refer to practical actions, the development of theory and / or new studies. Each paragraph starts with words that are indented into five digits.
  18. Reference. All references used in writing in the alphabetical bibliography with the author's full name begin with the last name, followed by the initial first name, initial middle name (according to Harvard style). The references used are the main sources in the form of research articles in journals / research reports, books / articles linked from official sources. The reference source must be a primary reference source and not a quote is taken from another source (example: WHO, 1995 in the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Indonesia, 2015). The maximum number of references is 30, that is, at least 80% of references come from the last 5 years of journals, while the remaining 20% comes from books published in the last 10 years or other relevant sources. All references or citations in the article text must be listed in the bibliography. To maintain consistency in the way of reference, it is recommended to write a standard reference application such as Mendeley. Authors are not permitted to use references from,, or other articles that are not published in journals.

 Before submitting, the author is required to attach:

  1. Manuscript according to template
  2. Originality Form
  3. Title page
  4. Athor Declaration

Authors are not asked for a fee, but must meet publication ethics, be fast response and follow all JPH recode policies

Before the LoA is issued, the authors fill out the copyright transfer statement sheet and fill in the corrective report form containing the summary of the review results. Both of these forms can be sent to (no need to go through OJS). LoA will be sent via email.

Privacy Statement

The names and email addresses entered in this journal site will be used exclusively for the stated purposes of this journal and will not be made available for any other purpose or to any other party.