Guidelines for Authors

JUXTA: Jurnal Ilmiah Mahasiswa Kedokteran Universitas Airlangga focuses in publishing original articles on the latest medical sciences. The manuscript is submitted directly to The submitted manuscript has not been published elsewhere and is only considered in JUXTA. Authors are requested to have ORCID ID upon submission in JUXTA.


JUXTA only considers original articles. The format for the manuscript should be in .docx format. The manuscript should not exceed 3500 words (excluding Abstract and References) with tables/figures up to five (5) and references up to 35. Use Arial sized 9, except title sized 14, authors' names sized 11, and affiliations sized 9. Use single-spaced in two columns. All manuscripts must be submitted in American English. Define abbreviations only at the first appearance in the text. Use standard abbreviations based on Medical Subject Headings (MeSH). We recommend using the equation function in Microsoft processor. Single variables (e.g., “a² + b² = c²”), other symbols (e.g., β or Δ), or mathematical operators (e.g., x, ≥, or ±) are not typed using the equation function. SI units are used. Write using italics (e.g., Homo sapiens) with complete the genus and species, both in the title and at the first mention of an organism in the manuscript. After the first mention, the first letter of the genus name followed by the full species name may be used (e.g., H. sapiens).


In the cover page, the authors have to provide information on their names, affiliations, e-mails, phone numbers, ORCID IDs, and their contributions to the making of the manuscript. The cover page can be downloaded here.


The structure of the manuscript submitted to JUXTA is as follows:

  • Manuscript title, authors’ names, and affiliations
  • Abstract
  • Keywords
  • Highlights
  • Introduction
  • Methods
  • Results
  • Discussion
  • Strength and Limitations
  • Conclusion
  • Acknowledgments
  • Conflict of interest
  • Funding
  • Ethical clearance
  • Authors’ contributions
  • References

Manuscript Title, Authors’ Names, and Affiliations

The following information must be included:

  • Manuscript title

The title should be specific, concise, and comprehensible. It should be written in English in sentence case and contain a maximum of 30 words.

  • Full authors' names

The manuscript has a main author and co-authors. Authors' names should not contain academic titles or ranks. At least one of the authors is required to add their ORCID ID. The link should be embedded on the ORCID ID logo after the authors' names.

  • Corresponding author

Indicate the corresponding author clearly with an asterisk symbol (*) after the corresponding author’s name. A corresponding author is a person who is responsible for handling correspondence with the Editorial Board in the whole process of pre- and post-publication of the manuscript.

  • Authors' affiliation(s)

The affiliations are listed sequentially using a number (1) and the name of the department(s) to which the authors are affiliated (including the city and the country).


The manuscript should contain a structured abstract that is self-contained and citation-free. The abstract comes after the title and authorship information in the manuscript. It should be written in English of no more than 250 words. It consists of introduction, methods, results, and conclusion.


The keywords consist of 3-5 words in English, starting with a capital letter (sentence case) without an ending point, and must contain at least one keyword of Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Keywords should apply terms present in Medical Subject Headings (MeSH).


Describe the highlights of the manuscript, consisting of at least two key points or sentences.


State the rationale for the study, a brief description of the background that led to the study, identify the main problem, and explain the study purpose. Establish a gap in the current knowledge, state the novelties, and convince the readers that the gap has been addressed. It should contain no more than four (4) paragraphs without subheadings. Current results and conclusions should not be included.


Explain in detail the research design, settings, time frame, variables, population, samples, sampling methods, instruments, data analyses, and information on the ethical clearance. This chapter may be divided into sections if several methods are used.


Describe the significance of your findings and the most important part of your manuscript. Follow a logical stream of thought. The total number of tables and figures is advisably no more than five (5).


Cite figures in ascending Arabic numerals according to the first appearance in the manuscript file. The original format must be in JPEG and not be smaller than 300 dpi. Figures require a label with Arabic numerals in order (e.g., “Figure 1”, “Figure 2”, and so on) and a brief descriptive title to be placed below the figure, center-aligned. Do not submit your figures in separate files.


Cite tables in ascending Arabic numerals according to the first appearance in the manuscript. Tables require a label with Arabic numerals in order (e.g., “Table 1”, “Table 2”, and so on) and a brief descriptive title to be placed above the table. Do not submit your tables in separate files.


The authors should explain the result of the study, not repeating the results, and how the results answered the research problem. Differences and similarities with previous studies should be elaborated. State the limitation of the study and the possibilities for developing further studies. Limitations of the study should also be mentioned in this section.

Strength and Limitations

Explain the strength and limitations of your study concisely in 1-2 paragraphs.


This should clearly explain the main conclusion of the manuscript, highlighting its importance and relevance as well as suggestion or recommendation for further research.


Those who contributed to the work but do not meet the authorship criteria should be listed in the Acknowledgments with a description of the contribution.

Conflict of Interest

All manuscripts for original articles submitted to JUXTA must be accompanied by a conflict of interest disclosure statement or a declaration by the authors that they do not have any conflicts of interest to declare.


The authors should state how the research was funded in this section, including grant numbers if applicable.

Ethical clearance

Research ethics certification number, date, and the agency that provided it must be written.

Authors’ contributions

All authors have contributed to all processes in this research, including preparation, data gathering and analysis, drafting, and approval for publication of this manuscript (initials only).


References should be prepared according to Vancouver style and numbered consecutively in the order in which they are cited in the text. References are identified in the text by Arabic numerals in superscript and are always cited after dots or commas. Authors must use reference management software to write citations and references, such as Mendeley®Zotero®, and EndNote®.

Reference to journal publication:

1. Bundhun PK, Janoo G, Bhurtu A, et al. Tobacco Smoking and Semen Quality in Infertile Males: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis. BMC Public Health 2019; 19: 36.

2. Elsayed AA, Adwas AA, Ibrahim EAS, et al. Oxidative Stress and Antioxidant Mechanisms in Human Body. J Appl Biotechnol Bioeng 2019; 6: 43–47.

Reference to book:

1. Noer SM. Emergency Management of Major Burn. Surabaya: Universitas Airlangga, 2018.

2. Jusuf A, Hudoyo A, Andriani R, et al. Diagnosis Kanker Paru. In: Jusuf A (ed) Dasar-Dasar Diagnosis Kanker Paru. Jakarta: UI Press, 2017, pp. 127–168.

Reference to website:

1. Ministry of Health Republic of Indonesia. Perilaku Merokok Masyarakat Indonesia. Ministry of Health Republic of Indonesia, (2015, accessed 27 June 2021).

2. World Health Organization. Global Youth Tobacco Survey. WHO, (2019, accessed 27 January 2023).

Reference in proceeding:

1. Wu D, O’Shea DF. Potential for Release of Pulmonary Toxic Ketene from Vaping Pyrolysis of Vitamin E Acetate. Proc Natl Acad Sci 2020; 117: 6349–6355.
2. Ortiz LA, Gambelli F, McBride C, et al. Mesenchymal Stem Cell Engraftment in Lung is Enhanced in Response to Bleomycin Exposure and Ameliorates Its Fibrotic Effects. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 2003; 100: 8407–8411.


Submit your manuscript through our website submission.