Intestinal Protozoa Infections in Relation to Nutritional Status of the Students Mandangin Island Elementary School 6 in Sampang Regency
Methods: This research used the cross-sectional study as the design and performed by doing a lab examination to determine the incidence of protozoa infections and analyze whether it has any correlation with changes in host nutritional status, recruited from students Mandangin Island Elementary School 6, from 19th to 21st of July 2017.
Results: On microscopic examination found that 71.4% (n=30) samples are positive and 28,6% (n=12) are negative. On BMI-for-age measurement there are 4,8% obesity, 7,1% overweight, 73,8% normal, 9,5% thinness, and 4,8% severe thinness. Meanwhile, on height-for-age measurement there are 73,8% normal and 26,2% stunted . The incidence of intestinal protozoa infections was correlated with the nutritional status using SPSS (p= 0,375, p= 0,539, a= 5%).
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