Characteristics of Atrial Fibrillation Based On Age, Sex, and Etiology
Methods: This research was descriptive method design. The population and sample of this study included all of the patients who had AF and came to out-patient care in Department of Cardiology of Dr. Soetomo General Hospital Surabaya in February 2018. This research was real-time total sampling and was analyzed descriptively.
Results: In this study, 60 samples which were suitable to the criteria were gained with the numbers of 25 males (41.7%) and 35 females (58.3%). AF attacked more patients in age 51-60 years old (31.7%). The most common etiology of AF is rheumatic heart disease (60%).
Conclusion: Most of AF patients in this study were 51-60 years old, female, and were caused by rheumatic heart disease. With the lack information, it still needed further studies with more complete data for better accuracy.
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