Nutritional Status Based on Four Anthropometric Indices and Associated Factors in Children between the Ages 0-2 Years Old in a Slum of Surabaya

Methods: This study used a cross-sectional descriptive study from primary data conducted by anthropometric measurement directly on toddlers and interviews with caregivers. Assessment of four anthropometric indices includes weight-for-age, height-for-age, weight-for-height, and head circumference-for-age. A sample of 50 toddlers was taken by proportional random sampling technique.
Results: 31 children (62%) aged 0-2 years old in RW 08 Bulak Banteng sub-district had normal growth status based on weight-for-age, height-for-age, weight-for-height, and head circumference-for-age. The remaining growth status of 27 children (54%) is as follows. Based on the weight-for-age index, a child (2%) was severely underweight, and 7 children (14%) were underweight. Based on the height-for-age index, 4 children (8%) were severely stunted, and 7 children (14%) were stunted. Based on the index of weight-for-height, a child (2%) was severely wasted, and 5 children (10%) were wasted. Based on the index of head circumference-for-age, there were 1 child (2%) microcephaly and 3 children (6%) macrocephaly.
Conclusion: This study found that many children aged 0-2 years old in the slum area of RW 08 Bulak Banteng sub-district in Surabaya experienced growth delays.
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