PENGASINGAN DI NEGERI SENDIRI : Kehidupan Sosial Belanda Depok 1945 – 1949
This article discusses the life of one of the communities commonly known as Belanda Depok. The Belanda Depok community is a descendant of the first community that was deliberately formed by the Depok authority at the end of the seventeenth century, Cornelis Chastelein. The Belanda Depok community is placed within legal and social boundaries to separate it from other groups in Depok. The method used to explain the life of the Belanda Depok community is a historical method consisting of 5 stages, namely topic selection, source collection, criticism, interpretation or analysis, and finally historiography or research results. The results of this study found that the rulers of Depok had separated from other communities that had previously coexisted and were together in society. As a result, socially and psychologically, the Belanda Depok communities is like being isolated in their own country. The social and psychological distance created by the ruler also "tortures" them in their daily lives.
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