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Journal of Historical Issues is a scholarly publication focused on Indonesian historical issues and development countries. Its establishment in 2012 aimed to facilitate the dissemination of scientific research on history in Indonesia, specifically in historiography (urban history, environment history, social and economic history, culture, gender, and related areas).
The Journal of Historical Issues is an open-access journal that publishes widely the results of research and thoughts on historical issues in Indonesia and other countries in relation to Indonesian history. The mission of this journal is to promote professional competence in history and among historians.
Published bi-annually (May and October) by the Department of History at the Faculty of Humanities, Universitas Airlangga (UNAIR) in Indonesia, the Journal of Historical Issues seeks manuscripts written in either Indonesian or American English that adhere to its author guidelines and article templates and align with its focus and scope.
Current Issue
Pada Volume 1 Nomor 1 tahun 2024, Jurnal of Historical Issue mempublikasikan artikel ilmiah dari penulis yang berasal dari Aceh, Jawa Barat, dan Surabaya. Total Artikel ada 6 dengan tema yang berwariasi. Harapan kami dapat mengisi pengetahuan pembaca dengan tema-tema yang lebih fresh dan berwariasi. Juga menggugah minat baca dan menulis. Semoga memberi wawasan dan menginspirasi untuk pengembangan Ilmu Pengetahuan, kini dan di masa depan.
PENGASINGAN DI NEGERI SENDIRI : Kehidupan Sosial Belanda Depok 1945 – 1949
1-17Abstract : 162PDF : 131 -
De Pinkster Gementee dan Pemunculan Keberagaman di Hindia Belanda, 1921-1942
18-29Abstract : 116PDF : 155 -
Perubahan Sosial dalam Bidang Kesehatan Masyarakat di Oostkust van Atjeh Akhir Abad XIX sampai Awal Abad XX
30-44Abstract : 270PDF : 134 -
Bank Rakyat Indonesia di Masa Peralihan Orde Lama dan Orde Baru Tahun 1950-1970
45-58Abstract : 174PDF : 92 -
Kain Tenun: Usaha Preservasi Budaya, Peningkatan Taraf Ekonomi, dan Pemberdayaan Perempuan
59-63Abstract : 325PDF : 155