Perubahan Sosial dalam Bidang Kesehatan Masyarakat di Oostkust van Atjeh Akhir Abad XIX sampai Awal Abad XX
This article discusses social change in public health on the East Coast of Aceh from the late 19th to the early 20th century. Aceh and other parts of Aceh in their interaction with the colonials have caused a number of implications, especially for the people of Aceh, including the field of public health in Aceh. This research uses the historical method, which consists of 5 main stages, namely determining the topic, collecting sources (heuristics), critic of sources, interpretation, historiography or writing. The results found that colonialism in Aceh, especially in East Aceh, had an impact on social change, especially in the public health sector. The colonial government established a number of hospitals for the improvement and health of the population. In education, the people of Aceh were provided with European (modern) educational institutions. In addition, the people of Aceh, especially in East Aceh, were well integrated into the colonial system through a number of channels, such as education, plantation labor, and health.
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