Certificate Number: 230/E/KPT/2022
Editorial Policies
- Focus and Scope
- Section Policies
- Peer Review Process
- Publication Frequency
- Open Access Policy
- Archiving
- Publication Ethics
- Deadlines
- Article Processing Charges
- Plagiarism Screning
Focus and Scope
This journal published original articles, review articles, and case studies in English, in the scope of veterinary medicine, animal, and biotechnology of veterinary medicine from researchers, lecturers, students, and other practitioners around Indonesia and worldwide.
The Media Kedokteran Hewan covers scientific and technological aspects of major fields in veterinary medicine such as veterinary biomedical sciences, veterinary microbiology and parasitology, veterinary pathobiology, veterinary public health, veterinary clinical sciences, veterinary reproductive, veterinary humanities and social sciences, livestock and poultry medicine. The corresponding subfields are as follows:
- Veterinary Biomedical Sciences: anatomy/histology, animal genetics, biotechnology, biochemistry, embryology, molecular and cellular biology, physiology, pharmacology, toxicology, veterinary therapeutics and veterinary nutritions metabolism
- Veterinary Pathobiology: Comparative Pathology, General Pathology, Veterinary Forensic and Policy, Oncology,
- Veterinary Microbiology and Parasitology : immunology, infectious disease, non infectious disease, bacteriology, micology, parasitology, vaccinology and virology
- Veterinary Public Health: environmental health, epidemiology, food safety and hygiene, meat hygiene, milk hygiene, and zoonotic disease
- Veterinary Clinical Sciences:, anesthesiology, animal behavior, comparative and translational medicine, dentistry, dermatology, clinical pathology, emergency and critical care, internal medicine, medical imaging, regenerative medicine, rehabilitation, ophthalmology, general surgery, and veterinary acupuncture
- Veterinary Reproductive: andrology, endocrinology, embrio transfer, infertility, general theriogenerology, semen and sexual selection, obstetrics, veterinary medicine cloning
- Veterinary Humanities and Social Sciences: animal welfare, animal quarantine, human and animal bonds, One Health and eco-health, veterinary economics, veterinary education, and wildlife health and conservation
- Livestock and Poultry Medicine : animal production, feeds technology, poultry management, livestock product, farm advanced management
Our journal is more dedicated to research on Zoonotic Diseases and the dynamics of Emerging and re-Emerging Disease.
Peer Review Process

The editor can reject the manuscript at this stage:
1. initial submission if it does not fit the focus and scope of the journal;
2. peer-review process decisions;
3. the revision of the manuscript does not conform to peer-reviewed advice;
4. The author does not follow the editor's instructions according to deadlines.
The editor will send notification of rejection of the manuscript to the author through OJS.
The decision of the editorial board is absolute and free of conflicts of interest.
The article review process usually takes average 8 weeks. This review period depends on the editors and reviewers duration in reviewing the manuscript.
Publication Frequency
Media Kedokteran Hewan (MKH) (established 1985) publishes all aspects of veterinary science and its related subjects. Media Kedokteran Hewan (MKH) publishes periodically three times a year (January, May, and September). Media Kedokteran Hewan (MKH) publishes original articles, review articles, and case studies in Indonesian or English, with an emphasis on novel information of excellent scientific and/or clinical quality, relevant to domestic animal species and biotechnology of veterinary medicine from researchers, lecturers, students, and other practitioners around Indonesia and worldwide.
Open Access Policy
This journal provides immediate open access to its content on the principle that making research freely available to the public supports a greater global exchange of knowledge.
Media Kedokteran Hewan by Unair is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.
This journal utilizes the CLOCKSS system to create a distributed archiving system among participating libraries and permits those libraries to create permanent archives of the journal for purposes of preservation and restoration.
Publication Ethics
Authors are encouraged to consult the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE) International Standards (http://publicationethics.org/) for guidance on matters not covered by these guidelines.
Submission Declaration and Verification:
By submitting an article, authors affirm that the work has not been previously published, except as an abstract, lecture, or academic thesis, and that it is not under review elsewhere. All authors and relevant authorities must approve the submission. Once accepted, the article cannot be republished in the same form, in any language, including electronically, without written consent from the copyright holder.
Each author must have made a significant contribution to the research or article preparation, and their specific roles should be declared. It must also be disclosed that all authors have approved the final version of the manuscript.
Publication and Authorship:
Authorship is reserved for those who have substantially contributed to the research concept, design, execution, data collection, or analysis. Others who contributed but do not meet these criteria should be acknowledged. The corresponding author is responsible for ensuring all appropriate co-authors are included and that they have approved the final version for submission.
Authors' Responsibilities:
Authors are expected to follow Media Kedokteran Hewan (MKH) peer review policies, submitting original, accurate, and non-plagiarized data. They must be transparent about previous publications of related data, providing proper citations or acknowledgments where necessary. Authors must also ensure that animal research is conducted ethically and report any conflicts of interest. They should be open to corrections, retractions, or clarifications when needed.
Reviewers' Responsibilities:
Reviewers should provide objective feedback within a set timeframe, aiding in the decision to accept or improve the paper. They must notify the editor of any content that appears similar to previously published or submitted work. Reviewers must avoid conflicts of interest and maintain confidentiality of the material reviewed.
Editors' Responsibilities:
Editors have full authority to accept or reject a submission and must avoid conflicts of interest in doing so. They should be impartial, making decisions solely based on academic merit, without bias related to the authors’ gender, ethnicity, religion, or other personal factors. Editors should also protect the anonymity of reviewers and ensure that commercial interests do not influence editorial decisions.
Publishing Ethics Issues:
Throughout the publication process, authors, reviewers, and editors are expected to uphold the integrity of the academic record. Ethical and intellectual principles should always take precedence over commercial considerations.
- Prequalification to determine the suitability of the format, as well as compliance with the focus and scope is for a maximum of two days
- The review process by the peer reviewer is no more than 14 days
- Editors make consolidated comments in no later than 21 days
- Revisions by the corresponding author:
- minor revisions: no more than 14 days
- major revisions (must be rewritten): a maximum of 30 days.
Manuscripts that exceed the revision deadline will be canceled. When necessary, the corresponding author can request an extension of time to the chief editor before the revision period ends.
- Editors assess and determine the revision decision no later than seven days.
- The editing and layout process is a maximum of seven days.
- Approval of proofreading of the manuscript final version from the corresponding author: a maximum of four days.
The time interval from the date the OJS manuscript submits until the decision of being rejected or accepted for publication varies, depending on the time required for the review and revision process. Decisions at the prequalification stage will be accepted by the corresponding author within two days after submitting through the OJS. Manuscripts that are accepted without revision will receive a notification no later than 37 days after the manuscript submission through OJS. Whereas, manuscripts with minor revisions, the acceptance or rejection will be decided in no later than 58 days, and for manuscripts with major revision in no later than 74 days after the manuscript submission through OJS. The time from submitting the manuscript to publishing is approximately four months.
Article Processing Charges
There is no article processing charges for all article published in our journal.
Plagiarism Screning
Submitted manuscript will be checked using Turnitin software. If the similarity report is less than 20%, then the manuscript will be considered for further review.