Certificate Number: 230/E/KPT/2022
Submission Preparation Checklist
As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.- The submission has not been previously published, nor is it before another journal for consideration (or an explanation has been provided in Comments to the Editor).
- The submission file is in OpenOffice, Microsoft Word, RTF, or WordPerfect document file format.
- Where available, URLs for the references have been provided.
- The text is single-spaced; uses a 12-point font; employs italics, rather than underlining (except with URL addresses); and all illustrations, figures, and tables are placed within the text at the appropriate points, rather than at the end.
- The text adheres to the stylistic and bibliographic requirements outlined in the Author Guidelines, which is found in About the Journal.
- If submitting to a peer-reviewed section of the journal, the instructions in Ensuring a Blind Review have been followed.
Author Guidelines
Author Guidelines
Veterinary Medicine Journal is a journal that contains scientific articles on veterinary medicine and animal husbandry biotechnology published by Faculty of Veterinary Medicine Airlangga University 3 times per year on January, May and September. Veterinary Medicine Journal received manuscripts in the form of original research articles, review articles and case reports in Indonesian and English. Manuscripts received must be original, current and have never been published or are being planned to be published in other scientific journals.
Manuscripts must be submitted online through the Open Journal System (OJS) in Word format. The entire text is typed in Book Antiqua 11pt double spaced. The title is written with a Title case (bold, 14pt, align center). The full length of the manuscripts is a maximum of 12 pages of HVS paper. Italicize only for species names or terms that have not been standardized as Indonesian. Define abbreviations upon first appearance in the text. Do not use non-standard abbreviations unless they appear at least three times in the text. Keep abbreviations to a minimum. Avoid unnecessary duplication of text. The manuscripts are arranged according to Veterinary Medicine Journal format in the following order:
1. Original Research
The first page contains titles in English, followed by full names of all authors without titles and initials (bold, centered), followed by the name and complete address of the respective institution (marked with numeric superscripts) and e-mail of corresponding authors (marked with *superscript).
Title should be concise but informative, as far as possible in no more than 12 words.
Abstract written in English, do not exceed 200 words, containing elements of background, material and methods, results and conclusions.
Keywords maximum of 5 (five) words or phrases, written after the abstract in each languages, alphabetically ordered. As far as possible avoid using keywords from the title.
Introduction should be brief, containing elements of background, problems, objectives and reference sources that support.
Research materials (materials and equipment) do not need to be mentioned separately, but rather integrated in the method used, complete with the brand and catalog number if applicable. Do not include common supplies, such as test tubes, pipette tips, beakers, etc. or standard laboratory equipment.
Method must be concise but sufficiently detailed (with reference or modification) so research can be repeated by other researchers.
Results are displayed in a concise but clear narrative with/without tables or figures.
Tables are made without vertical lines (use only lines at the top and bottom of the table as well as for separating heading from the main table), with table title placed before the table, numbered in Arabic numerals (Table X), and have to be referred in the text. The description of the table is placed after the table; it must be concise but clear enough so that the table separately can be understood without referring to the text. The table along with the title and description are placed after the References.
Figures presented are only those that support the findings of the study, and not restatement of data from tables in the form of figures. When resulted data in the form of figure is more informative, interesting or significant, presentation of data in table form is not required. Figure title is placed after the figure, numbered in Arabic numerals (Figure Y), and have to be referred in the text. The description of the figure is placed under the title of the figure; it must be concise but clear enough so that the figure separately can be understood without referring to the text. Image (in JPEG format) is sent in separate file. The title and description of the figure are placed after the References.
Discussion contains explanation of what are found related to the importance of your study and how it may be able to answer the research question, comparison of findings (internally, between research data, and externally, compared with findings from other studies) and cause-effect analysis.
Conclusion does not only repeat the results of the study, but summarize the findings into a narrative that impacts on the development of science and/or practitioners in the field of veterinary.
Approval of Ethical Commission have to be stated (number and institution) if the manuscript is constructed based on a research using live animals.
Acknowledgements are delivered to the research funders (state the name, number and recipient name of the grant, if applicable), and to those who have helped carry out the research.
References are sorted alphabetically based on the author's last name. The titles of journals should be abbreviated according to the style used by each journal. Sixty (60%) scientific journal/article and (40%) text book.
Roitt, I., J. Brostoff, and D. Male. 2005. Immunology. 6th Ed. Black Well Scientific Pub. Oxford.
Staropoli, I., J.M. Clement, M.P. Frenkiel, M. Hofiiung and V. Deuble. 2006. Dengue-1 virus envelope glycoprotein gene expressed in recombinant baculovirus elicits virus neutralization antibody in mice and protects them from virus challenge. Am.J. Trop. Med. Hygi; 45: 159-167.
2. Case Reports
The first page contains titles in English, followed by full names of all authors without titles and initials (bold, centered), followed by the name and complete address of the respective institution (marked with numeric superscripts) and e-mail of corresponding authors (marked with *superscript).
Title should be concise but informative, as far as possible in no more than 12 words.
Abstract written in Indonesian and English, do not exceed 200 words, containing elements of background, material and methods, results and conclusions.
Keywords maximum of 5 (five) words or phrases, written after the abstract in each languages, alphabetically ordered. As far as possible avoid using keywords from the title.
Introduction should be brief, containing elements of background, problems, objectives and reference sources that support the case reports.
Research materials (materials and equipment) do not need to be mentioned separately, but rather integrated in the method used, complete with the brand and catalog number if applicable. Do not include common supplies, such as test tubes, pipette tips, beakers, etc. or standard laboratory equipment.
Method must be concise but sufficiently detailed (with reference or modification) so research can be repeated by other researchers.
Results are displayed in a concise but clear narrative with/without tables or figures.
Tables are made without vertical lines (use only lines at the top and bottom of the table as well as for separating heading from the main table), with table title placed before the table, numbered in Arabic numerals (Table X), and have to be referred in the text. The description of the table is placed after the table; it must be concise but clear enough so that the table separately can be understood without referring to the text. The table along with the title and description are placed after the References.
Figures presented are only those that support the findings of the study, and not restatement of data from tables in the form of figures. When resulted data in the form of figure is more informative, interesting or significant, presentation of data in table form is not required. Figure title is placed after the figure, numbered in Arabic numerals (Figure Y), and have to be referred in the text. The description of the figure is placed under the title of the figure; it must be concise but clear enough so that the figure separately can be understood without referring to the text. Image (in JPEG format) is sent in separate file. The title and description of the figure are placed after the References.
Discussion the discussion presented must contain interpretations of the results obtained and discussions relating to the previous report. Avoid repeating statements that have been submitted to the method, results and other information that has been presented in the introduction.
Conclusion does not only repeat the results of the case reports, but summarize into a narrative that impacts on the development of science and/or practitioners in the field of veterinary.
Acknowledgements are delivered to the research funders (state the name, number and recipient name of the grant, if applicable), and to those who have helped carry out the research.
References are sorted alphabetically based on the author's last name. The titles of journals should be abbreviated according to the style used by each journal. Sixty (60%) scientific journal/article and (40%) text book.
Roitt, I., J. Brostoff, and D. Male. 2005. Immunology. 6th Ed. Black Well Scientific Pub. Oxford.
Staropoli, I., J.M. Clement, M.P. Frenkiel, M. Hofiiung and V. Deuble. 2006. Dengue-1 virus envelope glycoprotein gene expressed in recombinant baculovirus elicits virus neutralization antibody in mice and protects them from virus challenge. Am.J. Trop. Med. Hygi; 45: 159-167.
3. Article Review
The first page contains titles in English, followed by full names of all authors without titles and initials (bold, centered), followed by the name and complete address of the respective institution (marked with numeric superscripts) and e-mail of corresponding authors (marked with *superscript).
Title should be concise but informative, as far as possible in no more than 12 words.
Abstract written in Indonesian and English, do not exceed 200 words, containing elements of background, puprpose, review(s) and conclusions.
Keywords maximum of 5 (five) words or phrases, written after the abstract in each languages, alphabetically ordered. As far as possible avoid using keywords from the title.
Introduction this section should at least cover background and issue(s) of interest so that the reader could understand and assess article without reading previous reports related to the topic. Each paragraph should contain minimum 3 sentences. The purpose of this review should be described in the last paragraph of the section. Please provide supporting literature and cited accordingly.
Review(s) this section covers the main issue(s) of article in clear narratives. Data can be presented in narration, table(s), and/or chart(s). Should the narrative information is sufficient, the addition of table or chart are only those considered well represent of the content. Each paragraph should contain at least 3 sentences. Please provide supporting literature and cited accordingly.
Tables are made without vertical lines (use only lines at the top and bottom of the table as well as for separating heading from the main table), with table title placed before the table, numbered in Arabic numerals (Table X), and have to be referred in the text. The description of the table is placed after the table; it must be concise but clear enough so that the table separately can be understood without referring to the text. The table along with the title and description are placed after the References.
Figures presented are only those that support the findings of the study, and not restatement of data from tables in the form of figures. When resulted data in the form of figure is more informative, interesting or significant, presentation of data in table form is not required. Figure title is placed after the figure, numbered in Arabic numerals (Figure Y), and have to be referred in the text. The description of the figure is placed under the title of the figure; it must be concise but clear enough so that the figure separately can be understood without referring to the text. Image (in JPEG format) is sent in separate file. The title and description of the figure are placed after the References.
Discussion Discussion section should cover interpretation and comprehensive analysis from a relevant field of study perspective. Statement repetition and rephrase from previous sections should be avoided. Each paragraph should contain at least 3 sentences. Type the conclusion of your review in the last paragraph of this section. Please provide supporting literature and cited accordingly.
Acknowledgements are delivered to the research funders (state the name, number and recipient name of the grant, if applicable), and to those who have helped carry out the research.
References are sorted alphabetically based on the author's last name. The titles of journals should be abbreviated according to the style used by each journal. Sixty (60%) scientific journal/article and (40%) text book.
Roitt, I., J. Brostoff, and D. Male. 2005. Immunology. 6th Ed. Black Well Scientific Pub. Oxford.
Staropoli, I., J.M. Clement, M.P. Frenkiel, M. Hofiiung and V. Deuble. 2006. Dengue-1 virus envelope glycoprotein gene expressed in recombinant baculovirus elicits virus neutralization antibody in mice and protects them from virus challenge. Am.J. Trop. Med. Hygi; 45: 159-167.
Copyright Notice
Veterinary Medicine Journal by Unair is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.
1. The Journal allows the author to hold the copyright of the article without restrictions.
2. The Journal allows the author(s) to retain publishing rights without restrictions
3. The legal formal aspect of journal publication accessibility refers to Creative Commons Attribution Share-Alike (CC BY-SA).