The legal journal Yuridika (P-ISSN:0215-840X and E-ISSN:2528-3103) is published three times a year and offers a refereed, independent, and innovative forum for jurists, both academic jurists and practitioners. Yuridika publishes only original articles from a wide variety of legal disciplinary perspectives concerning issues in Indonesian and international law, with a focus on emerging countries. Since its first printed version in 1976 by Universitas Airlangga in Surabaya, Yuridika is the leading generalist juridical forum in Indonesia. From its beginning, Yuridika aims to expand and improve legal knowledge by providing an open-access forum for discussion. The articles published in Yuridika are going through a double-blind peer review process and will be considered by the Editorial Board of Yuridika based on the review recommendations. The Editorial Board only considers contributions in English.

Yuridika has been accredited SINTA 1 by the Ministry of Research, Technology, and Higher Education of Indonesia since 11 May 2023, based on Decree Number 79/E/KPT/2023. <Download> . Since on March 3 2023, Yuridika has been ACCEPTED in the SCOPUS.

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Terbitan Terkini

Vol 39 No 3 (2024): Volume 39 No 3 September 2024
      Lihat Vol 39 No 3 (2024): Volume 39 No 3 September 2024

This issue has been available online since September 2024  for the regular issue of September 2024. All Articles in this issue were authored/co-authored by 20 Authors from 3 Countries (Indonesia, India, Turkiye)

Diterbitkan: 2024-09-24

Administrative Law

Civil Law

Constitutional Law

Islamic Law

International Law