This study aims to determine the conditions and problems, as well as alternative strategies that can be provided
at the Head Office of the Financial Services Authority (OJK) using the Organizational Life Cycle theory. The
population of this research is the Head of OJK Employees in Jakarta as many as 72 employees. The sampling
technique used saturated sampling method which obtained 72 respondents. The data analysis technique used
descriptive analysis assisted by Adizes Tools. The results of this study indicate that the Head Office of the
Financial Services Authority (OJK) is in a prime position. This position shows that there is a balance between
flexibility and control, structured and systematic functions and tasks, significant leadership, quality employees,
visionary innovation, and stable liquidity. However, there are several problems, namely the lack of employees,
the length of the bureaucracy, inefficient structures, and differences in perceptions between OJK and the public.
This problem can be overcome with alternative strategies, namely, improving communication, expertise and
knowledge, utilizing technology, eliminating deficiencies in every business process, and scheduling employee
shifts to provide education to the community. The contribution of this research is expected to be able to become
a frame work on organizational life cycle knowledge, especially in the government sector, and be able to provide
information and considerations to form alternative strategies in overcoming problems experienced in the
organizational life cycle. This research can be used as a new insight into the condition of the company from an
internal perspective.
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