Can The Roles of Universities, Families, and Self-Efficacy Influence Students’ Interest in Entrepreneurship in East Java?

Entrepreneur Intention University Support Family Support Self-efficacy


January 17, 2025


This ponder looks at the impact of college bolster, family back, and self-efficacy on the entrepreneurial intrigued of East Java PMW beneficiary understudies. A quantitative strategy was utilized in this think-about. The investigation test comprised 248 PMW beneficiaries. Coincidental Inspecting carried out test determination. Information investigation was carried out utilizing SEM-PLS through the SmartPLS 3.2.9 program. The study shows that (1) College back has no critical impact on entrepreneurial intrigue. (2) Family bolster encompasses a positive impact on entrepreneurial intrigue. (3) Self-efficacy incorporates a positive impact on entrepreneurial intrigue. The study shows that superior colleges cultivate students' entrepreneurial curiosity. Family back and self-efficacy are imperative components in empowering entrepreneurial intrigue among understudies. Suggestions and headings for future investigation are also discussed.