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- Barcelo EJS, Mediavilla MD, Tan DX, Relter RJ (2010). Scientific Basis for the Potential Use of Melatonin in Bone Diseases: Osteoporosis and Adolescent Idiopathic Scoliosis. Journal of Osteo-porosis, 1-10
- Beederman M, Lamplot JD, Nan G, Wang J, Liu X, Yin L, Li R, Shui W, Zhang H, Kim SH, Zhang JZ, Kong Y, Denduluri S, Rogers MR, Pratt A, Haydon RC, Luu HH, Angeles J, Shi LL, He TC (2013). BMP signaling in mesenchymal stem cell differentiation and bone formation.J. Biomedical Science and Engineering 6, 32-52.
- Eijkenn M, Koedam M, Driel V, Buurman CJ, Pols HAP, LeeuwenJPTM. 2006.The essential role of glucocorticoids for proper human osteoblast differen-tiation and matrix mineralization. Molecular and Cellular Endocrinology34, 1-7.
- Elabscience (a) (2014). Rat ALP (Alkaline Phosphatase) ELISA Kit 5 th Edition. ElabscienceBiothechnology Co, Ltd.
- Elabscience (b) (2014). Rat OC/BGP (Osteocalcin) ELISA Kit 5 th Edition. ElabscienceBiothechnology Co, Ltd.
- Gasser, JA (2003). Stem Cells in the Treatment of Osteoporosis.European Cells and Materials 6, 1-21.
- GolubEE, Battaglia KB (2007). The role of alkaline phosphatase in mineralization.CurrOpinOrthop,444 - 448.
- Lindenmair A, HatlapatkaT, KollwigG, Hennerbichler S, GabrielC, WolbankS, Redi H, KasperC (2012). Mesenchymal Stem or Stromal Cells from Amnion andUmbilical Cord Tissue and Their Potential for Clinical Applications. Cells, 1, 1061-1088.
- Luchetti F, Canonico B, Bartolini D, Arcangeletti M, ciffolilliS, MurdoloG, PiroddiM, PapaS, Reiter RJ, Galli, F (2014). Melatonin regulates mesenchymal stem cell differentiation: a Review. J.Pineal Res 56,382-397.
- Maria S, Enderby PAW (2014). Melatonin effects on bone: potential use for the prevention and treatment for osteopenia, osteoporosis, and periodontal disease and for use in bone-grafting procedures. J.Pineal Res 56, 115-125.
- Nakamura A, Dohi Y, Akahane M, Ohqushi H, Nakajima H, Funaoka H, Takakura Y (2009). Osteocalcin secretion as an early marker of in vitro osteogenic differentiation of rat mesenchymal stem cells.Tissue Eng Part C Methods 15, 2, 169-180.
- National Osteoporosis Foundation (2014).Clinician's Guide To Prevention And Treatment Of Osteoporosis. National Osteoporosis Foundation, 1-55.
- Neve A, CorradoA, PaoloF, Cantatore, P (2010). Osteo-blast Physiology in normal and pathological Condition. Cell Tissue Res, 1-14.
- Pino AM, Rosen CJ, Rodriguez JP (2012). In Osteoporosis, differentiation of mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) improves bone marrow adipogenesis. Biol Res 45, 279-287.
- Radio NM.; Doctor JS, Enderby PAW (2006). Melato-nin enhances alkaline phosphatase activity in differentiating human adult mesenchymal stem cells grown in osteogenic medium via MT2 melatonin receptors and the MEK/ERK1/2 signaling cascade. J. Pineal Res40, 332–342.
- RantamFA, Ferdiansyah,danPurwati (2014).Stem Cell; Mesenchymal, Hematopoetikdan Model Aplikasi Edisi Kedua. Surabaya: Airlangga University Press, 23-40.
- Riggs BL, Melton LJ (1995). 3rd The Worldwide Problem Of Osteoporosis: Insights Afforded By Epidemiology Bone 17, 505–511.
- Roth JA, Kim BG, Lin WL, Cho M. 1999. Melatonin Promotes Osteoblast Differentiation And Bone Formation. The Journal Of Biological Chemistry 274, 31, 2041- 2247.
- Rucci, N (2009). Molecular biologyof bone remodel-ing.Clinical Case in Mineral and Bone Metabolisme, 5, 1, 49-56.
- SatomuraK, Tobiume S, Tokuyama R, Yamasaki Y, Kudoh K, MaedaE, NagayamaM (2007). Melatonin at pharmacological doses enhances human osteoblastic differentiation in vitro and promotes mouse cortical bone formation in vivo. J. Pineal Res, 1-10.
- ScuteriA, Donzelli, E, FoudahD, CaldaraC, RedondoJ, AmicoGD, TrediciG, Miloso M (2014). Mesengenic Differentiation: Comparison of Human and Rat Bone Marrow Mesenchymal Stem Cells. International Journal of Stem Cells 7, 1-8.
- Sethi S, Radio NM, Kotlarczyk MP, Chen CT, WeiYH, Jockers R, dan Enderby PAW (2010).Determination of the minimal melatonin exposure required toinduce osteoblast differentiation from human mesenchyma stem cells and these effects on downstream signaling pathways. J.Pineal Res49, 222-238.
- Wang Y, Zhu G, Li N, Song J, Wang L, SI X, 2015. Small molecules and their controlled release that induced the osteogenic/chondrogenic commitment os stem cells. Biotechnology advances 5, 1-15.
- ZaminyA, Kashani IR, BarbarestaniM, HedayatpourA, MahmoudiR, Nejad AF (2008). Osteogenic Differen-tiation of Rat Mesenchymal Stem Cells from Adipose Tissue in Comparison with Bone Marrow Mesen-chymal Stem Cells: Melatonin As a Differentiation Factor. Iranian Biomedical Journal 12, 3, 133 -141.
Barcelo EJS, Mediavilla MD, Tan DX, Relter RJ (2010). Scientific Basis for the Potential Use of Melatonin in Bone Diseases: Osteoporosis and Adolescent Idiopathic Scoliosis. Journal of Osteo-porosis, 1-10
Beederman M, Lamplot JD, Nan G, Wang J, Liu X, Yin L, Li R, Shui W, Zhang H, Kim SH, Zhang JZ, Kong Y, Denduluri S, Rogers MR, Pratt A, Haydon RC, Luu HH, Angeles J, Shi LL, He TC (2013). BMP signaling in mesenchymal stem cell differentiation and bone formation.J. Biomedical Science and Engineering 6, 32-52.
Eijkenn M, Koedam M, Driel V, Buurman CJ, Pols HAP, LeeuwenJPTM. 2006.The essential role of glucocorticoids for proper human osteoblast differen-tiation and matrix mineralization. Molecular and Cellular Endocrinology34, 1-7.
Elabscience (a) (2014). Rat ALP (Alkaline Phosphatase) ELISA Kit 5 th Edition. ElabscienceBiothechnology Co, Ltd.
Elabscience (b) (2014). Rat OC/BGP (Osteocalcin) ELISA Kit 5 th Edition. ElabscienceBiothechnology Co, Ltd.
Gasser, JA (2003). Stem Cells in the Treatment of Osteoporosis.European Cells and Materials 6, 1-21.
GolubEE, Battaglia KB (2007). The role of alkaline phosphatase in mineralization.CurrOpinOrthop,444 - 448.
Lindenmair A, HatlapatkaT, KollwigG, Hennerbichler S, GabrielC, WolbankS, Redi H, KasperC (2012). Mesenchymal Stem or Stromal Cells from Amnion andUmbilical Cord Tissue and Their Potential for Clinical Applications. Cells, 1, 1061-1088.
Luchetti F, Canonico B, Bartolini D, Arcangeletti M, ciffolilliS, MurdoloG, PiroddiM, PapaS, Reiter RJ, Galli, F (2014). Melatonin regulates mesenchymal stem cell differentiation: a Review. J.Pineal Res 56,382-397.
Maria S, Enderby PAW (2014). Melatonin effects on bone: potential use for the prevention and treatment for osteopenia, osteoporosis, and periodontal disease and for use in bone-grafting procedures. J.Pineal Res 56, 115-125.
Nakamura A, Dohi Y, Akahane M, Ohqushi H, Nakajima H, Funaoka H, Takakura Y (2009). Osteocalcin secretion as an early marker of in vitro osteogenic differentiation of rat mesenchymal stem cells.Tissue Eng Part C Methods 15, 2, 169-180.
National Osteoporosis Foundation (2014).Clinician's Guide To Prevention And Treatment Of Osteoporosis. National Osteoporosis Foundation, 1-55.
Neve A, CorradoA, PaoloF, Cantatore, P (2010). Osteo-blast Physiology in normal and pathological Condition. Cell Tissue Res, 1-14.
Pino AM, Rosen CJ, Rodriguez JP (2012). In Osteoporosis, differentiation of mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) improves bone marrow adipogenesis. Biol Res 45, 279-287.
Radio NM.; Doctor JS, Enderby PAW (2006). Melato-nin enhances alkaline phosphatase activity in differentiating human adult mesenchymal stem cells grown in osteogenic medium via MT2 melatonin receptors and the MEK/ERK1/2 signaling cascade. J. Pineal Res40, 332–342.
RantamFA, Ferdiansyah,danPurwati (2014).Stem Cell; Mesenchymal, Hematopoetikdan Model Aplikasi Edisi Kedua. Surabaya: Airlangga University Press, 23-40.
Riggs BL, Melton LJ (1995). 3rd The Worldwide Problem Of Osteoporosis: Insights Afforded By Epidemiology Bone 17, 505–511.
Roth JA, Kim BG, Lin WL, Cho M. 1999. Melatonin Promotes Osteoblast Differentiation And Bone Formation. The Journal Of Biological Chemistry 274, 31, 2041- 2247.
Rucci, N (2009). Molecular biologyof bone remodel-ing.Clinical Case in Mineral and Bone Metabolisme, 5, 1, 49-56.
SatomuraK, Tobiume S, Tokuyama R, Yamasaki Y, Kudoh K, MaedaE, NagayamaM (2007). Melatonin at pharmacological doses enhances human osteoblastic differentiation in vitro and promotes mouse cortical bone formation in vivo. J. Pineal Res, 1-10.
ScuteriA, Donzelli, E, FoudahD, CaldaraC, RedondoJ, AmicoGD, TrediciG, Miloso M (2014). Mesengenic Differentiation: Comparison of Human and Rat Bone Marrow Mesenchymal Stem Cells. International Journal of Stem Cells 7, 1-8.
Sethi S, Radio NM, Kotlarczyk MP, Chen CT, WeiYH, Jockers R, dan Enderby PAW (2010).Determination of the minimal melatonin exposure required toinduce osteoblast differentiation from human mesenchyma stem cells and these effects on downstream signaling pathways. J.Pineal Res49, 222-238.
Wang Y, Zhu G, Li N, Song J, Wang L, SI X, 2015. Small molecules and their controlled release that induced the osteogenic/chondrogenic commitment os stem cells. Biotechnology advances 5, 1-15.
ZaminyA, Kashani IR, BarbarestaniM, HedayatpourA, MahmoudiR, Nejad AF (2008). Osteogenic Differen-tiation of Rat Mesenchymal Stem Cells from Adipose Tissue in Comparison with Bone Marrow Mesen-chymal Stem Cells: Melatonin As a Differentiation Factor. Iranian Biomedical Journal 12, 3, 133 -141.