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  1. Eschericia colli was the most contaminant bacteria among food samples from Warmadewa Cafeterias

  2. Further suggestions to increase the hygiene in food processing must be offered.


Abstract :

Foodborne diseases still remain a problem especially in public areas. This study aimed to identify pathogenic bacteria in foods sold at  the  cafeterias  of  Universitas Warmadewa,  Denpasar,  Indonesia.  The  presence  of  pathogenic bacteria  in  the  food  samples  was identified using the brain heart infusion (BHI) agar for the growth of Escherichia coli and Streptococcus aureus, selenite for Shigella and Salmonella, and alkaline peptone for Vibrio cholerae, then bacterial culture was conducted to identify the species. The results showed  that  Escherichia  coli  were  found  in  two  food  samples,  kangkong  and  jinggo  rice,  with  the  colony  counts  of  50-118. Escherichia coli was the most commonly found contaminant in food samples from the Warmadewa Cafeterias. Further suggestions must be offered to increase hygiene in the food processing by advising the stalls' owners to serve good foods and conducting regular inspections to assess the food quality.


Pathogen bacteria food consumption public health

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How to Cite
Anak Agung Ayu Lila Paramasatiari, Putu Indah Budiapsari, Putu Arya Suryanditha, & Ni Wayan Widhidewi. (2022). Identification of Pathogenic Bacteria in Food Samples from Cafeterias of a University in Denpasar, Indonesia. Folia Medica Indonesiana, 58(4), 313–317.


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