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- Elgawish RAR, Abdelrazek HMA (2014). Effect of lead acetate on testiscular function and caspase-3 express-ion with respect to the protective effect of cinnamon in albino rats. Toxicology Reports 1, 795-801
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- Sokol RZ, Wang S, Wan YJ, et al (2002). Long-term, low-dose lead exposure alters the gonadotropin-releasing hormone system in the male rat. Environmen Health Perspective 110, 871-874
Abdel-Raheem IT (2010). Greentea Ameliorates Renal Oxidative Damage Induced By Gentamicin In Rats. Pak Journal Pharmaceutical Science, 21-28
Apriliani M, Nurcahyani N, Busman H (2013). Efek pemaparan kebisingan terhadap jumlah sel-sel spermatogenik dan diameter tubulus seminiferus mencit (Mus musculus L.), Seminar Nasional Sains & Teknologi V, Lampung, Lembaga Penelitian Univer-sitas Lampung
Elgawish RAR, Abdelrazek HMA (2014). Effect of lead acetate on testiscular function and caspase-3 express-ion with respect to the protective effect of cinnamon in albino rats. Toxicology Reports 1, 795-801
Flora G, Gupta D, Tiwari A (2012). Toxicity Of Lead: A review with recent updates. Interdiscipline toxicology 5, 47-58
Hayati A (2011). Spermatologi. Surabaya: Pusat Pener-bitan Dan Percetakan Unair
Hsu PC, Guo YL (2002). Antioxidant Nutrients and Lead Toxicity. Toxycology 180: 33-34.
Iswara RAFW (2010). Pengaruh pemberian ekstrak daun cyclea barbata L. miers terhadap motilitas spermatozoa mencit balb/c jantan yang dipapar asam rokok. Artikel Karya Tulis Ilmiah. Denpasar, Univer-sitas Udayana
Kawatu PAT (2008). Kadar Timbal Darah, Hipertensi, Dan Perasaan Kelelahan Kerja Pada Petugas Stasiun Pagi Siang Bahan Bakar Umum Di Kota Manado. Tesis. Yogyakarta, Universitas Gadjah Mada
Lamando D, Soegianto A, Abadi A, Keman S (2014). Antioxidant effects of sarang semut (myrmecodia pendans) on the apoptosis of spermtogenic cells of rats exposed to plumbum. Research Journal of Pharmaceu-tical, Biological and Chemical Sciences 5, 282-294
Laila NN, Shofwati I (2013). Kadar timbal darah dan keluhan kesehatan pada operator wanita SPBU. Jurnal Kesehatan Reproduksi 4, 41-49
Madiha M, Makhlouf M, Eldien HMS, et al (2008). The effect of lead acetate on testiscular structure and protective effect of vitamin E in Adult Albino Rat. Journal of Histology 31, 406-418
Maneesh M, Jayaleksmi H (2006). Role of reactive oxygen species and antioxidants on pathophysiology of male reproduction. International Journal Clinical Biochemistry 21, 80-89
Mayo (2005). Diseases and Conditions; Infertility. Mayo Foundation f or Medical Education and Research (MFMER), December 07; 1-3. Available from:
Riyadina W (1997). Pengaruh Pencemaran Pb terhadap Kesehatan. Pusat penelitian Penyakit Tidak Menular. Badan Penelitian dan Pengembangan Kesehatan Depkes RI. Jakarta.
Sokol RZ, Wang S, Wan YJ, et al (2002). Long-term, low-dose lead exposure alters the gonadotropin-releasing hormone system in the male rat. Environmen Health Perspective 110, 871-874