Maternal mortality rate is the important health indicator which is used as a component of Nation Development Index or quality of life index in all countries in the world. It is the most sensitive indicator among other health indicators to assess health status or quality of life in a country. Recently, Indonesia
faces an inconvenience situation when a surprise increasing of maternal mortality rate was launched by national health survey, reflected an un-successful effort to achieve Millenium Development Goals (MDGs) target 2015 or the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Reducing maternal mortality rate
in Indonesia is a big challenge, because maternal mortality is a multi-causes problem. Furthermore, various factors may play a role as the root causes that could not be addressed only through health interventions, but should involve multi-sectoral approach. Base on thus issues, this paper will discuss appropriate strategies to reduce maternal mortality in Indonesia by combining concept of socio ecological model of health behavior and continuum of care approach.
Keywords: Maternal Mortality Rate, Socio Ecological Model, continuum of care
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