Background: Convergence is a comprehensive integrated and coordinated activity to accelerate stunting reduction.
Aims: This exploratory qualitative study analyzed the roles of stakeholders in stunting management.
Methods: This study was conducted in Garut District from April to July 2021. Key informants including policymakers across programs were selected from the district, sub-district, and village levels. All of them were interviewed, and the interview data were processed with content analysis techniques and presented descriptively.
Results: Stakeholders had roles in the implementation of stunting handling programs as seen in the four quadrants indicated by vertical (interest) and horizontal (influence) lines. The Head of the District and the Deputy of the Head District had the most contribution and influence on the program's success. District-level government institutions (i.e., the DHO, Regional Planning and Development Agency, DPMD, PPKBP3A and PUPR) in Quadrant II are critical. Others can be found in Quadrant III for provincial and district institutions (medium category). The sub-district, community leaders, and cadres (Quadrant IV) all significantly contributed to the program's success.
Conclusion: Policymaker participation is acknowledged as a major concern in developing health policies. It is important to clearly outline the roles of stakeholders to promote their involvement actively, especially of local stakeholders that need to be advocacy-oriented in stunting management.
Keywords: Policy, Stakeholder, Stunting
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