Change in Publishing Frequency
Regarding improving the quality of publications in the Jurnal Ekonomi Syariah Teori dan Terapan, since Volume 11 No. 1 Year 2024, the frequency of publication has become quarterly, namely February, May, August, and November. The number of articles per issue is ten (10) articles.
We are waiting for your best manuscripts in the fields of Islamic economics, Islamic finance, Islamic Management and Business, Islamic Accounting, and Islamic social finance, either in the review papers (systematic literature review, bibliometric, and meta-analysis) or in the empirical research, both quantitative and qualitative in research method.
Manuscripts can be written in Indonesian or English. Manuscripts will be evaluated on the aspects of state of the art, novelty, contribution, theories used, research methods, and research findings that provide new knowledge for the development of theory and practice in the fields of Islamic economics, Islamic finance, Islamic Management, and Business, Islamic accounting and Islamic social finance. The readability aspect of the manuscript is also an evaluation of the manuscript from the aspect of grammar, and the presentation of the manuscript must be in accordance with journal standards. The issues discussed are national or international issues in order to bring wider benefits.
Best Regard,
Editor in Chief
Noven Suprayogi