This study aims to find out how the East Java BAZNAS is in the empowerment of disability communities in Sidoharjo Village, Jambon District, Ponorogo, East Java, and to look at the problems that exist to find a solution together. The descriptive qualitative approach with the case study method is the research method used. Using interviews with informants, namely, people who are trusted by BAZNAS to distribute and monitor what is needed by the community and he is also an officer of the Kesra sub-district in Sidoharjo Village. The secondary data comes from journal articles, textbooks and other literature. The results of the study were that the BAZNAS program was very instrumental in helping the community in Sidoharjo Village. Assistance is given aiming to empower people with disabilities; in reality, it fails in the middle of the road. For this reason, community participation is needed considering that human resources are vital to assist them because they can still be empowered as long as they are patient, especially those with mild and moderate disabilities.
Keywords: East Java Baznas, Community Empowerment, Disabled Persons, Disability Community Empowerment
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