Dampak Penyaluran Infak Untuk Kegiatan Usaha Produktif dalam Penguatan Modal dan Peningkatan Kenerja UMKM
This research aims to find out how the impact of infaq distribution productively affects reinforcement of capital and UMKM performance. Subject of UMKM that becomes an informant in this research is members of Guided Independent Business Group of Social Fund Foundation AlFalah Surabaya. This research uses qualitative approach with a case study strategy. Then, technique of collecting data uses interview directly to the objects, and technique of validating data uses source triangulation, while technique of analyzing data uses narrative-descriptive.
The result of this research shows that infaq fund distribution for productive activity that has been given by Social Fund Foundation Al-Falah could increase UMKM capital structure and impact to improving performance from the business that they manage. The last impact that they felt is there is business revenue increase, so that the UMKM subject could fulfill all the neccessities of life and improve the prosperity.
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