Poverty and inequality are classic problems. Financial institutions, in general, have not been able to alleviate it. The hope is for microfinance institutions. Included in this is the BMT NU Jawa Timur. For this reason, we have revealed the role of the Islamic microfinance institution in encouraging financial inclusiveness and the role of the Islamic microfinance institution in advancing the real sector. This research approach is qualitative with a case study strategy by using interviews and direct observation. The interviewees were the directors of BMT and customers. With a data analysis model from Hiles and Huberman, wherein analyzing the data, there are three steps taken. Namely, data reduction, data presentation and verification. The results of the study show that East Java BMT uses the term Lasisma which is commensurate with inclusive finance. The system is the same. Lasisma reaches out to the lowest levels of society. The BMT goes to community groups that need capital in developing unsecured businesses.
Keywords: BMT NU Jawa Timur, Inclusive Finance, Lasisma, Real Sector
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