This study aims to describe the application of sharia principles in the implementation of fintech-based lending services. The method used in this study is descriptive qualitative research and literature. The data used is secondary data from various relevant and up to date literature. Based on the results of the analysis it can be concluded that accounts payable is an agreement between two parties giving money or goods to a second party to be utilized. In terms of engagement in accordance with Islamic law or according to sharia, contracts through information technology media still have to fulfill harmony and terms of contract. The contract scheme implemented by service providers includes the Wakalah bil Ujrah contract and the Musyarakah contract. In the field of muamalah known as the principle of Islamic law, namely the principle of skill or change. The terms of Ijab Qobul must describe the agreement of the parties to enter into the online debt agreement. To achieve this, it is necessary to apply the principles of Islamic engagement, sharia, into financial transactions and other businesses that are consistently related.
Keywords: financial technology, sharia, principle
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