Pengaruh Ekspor Produk Halal terhadap Current Account Balance di Indonesia
This research aims to measuring the effects of halalproduct export on current account balance (CAB) with some of control variables such as GDP growth, national currency to US dollar exchange rate, government expenditure, real interest rate and inflation. This research is quantitative approach using ARDL model. Based on time series data in quarterly, The results of the t and F tests in this study indicate that in the long run the export of halal industrial products and government expenditures partially has a significant positive effect, inflation has a significant negative effect, while the exchange rate and GDP growth do not have a significant effect on CAB. In the short term exports of halal industrial products and government expenditure have a significant positive effect, inflation and real interest rates have a significant negative effect, while the exchange rate and GDP growth do not have a significant effect on CAB.
Keywords: Halal Product Export, Current Account Balance, Halal Export
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