The purpose of this research is to analyze the impact of the macroprudential policy that applied in Indonesia (in this case are Financing to Value and Financing to Deposit Ratio) on house financing in East Java.
The object of this research are financing to value and financing to deposit ratio, and the subject of this research is house financing in 2013 until 2015. The data of this research are available in the website of the Bank Indonesia. Analysis method that used for this research is the multiple linear regression with 0,05 signification
The result of this research shows if FDR, FTV aqd MMQ-IMBT are affecting partially positive significant to House Financing in East Java. Whilst FTV aqd Murabaha and Istishna' is affecting partially negative significant to house financing in East Java. Simultaneously, FDR, FTV aqd MMQIMBT and FTV aqd Murabahah and Istishna' giving significant impact to house financing in East
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