The RGEC approach is an assessment of the latest bank soundness that consists of risk profile, good corporate governance, earnings, capital, each of which is projected with the bank's financial performance. RGEC is able to identify problems early, solve problems more quickly, and implement better GCG and risk management so that it is resistant to crisis. This study aims to analyze whether there are differences between the level of health of conventional BPD and Islamic BPD in Java using the RGEC approach. This type of research is quantitative research. The sample in this study was selected by means of purposive sampling, based on predetermined criteria then obtained 4 conventional BPDs and 4 Islamic BPDs. The data analysis technique used in this study is the two different test averages (independent sample t-test). The results of this study prove that there are significant differences in the FDR and ROA variables between conventional BPD and Islamic BPD and there are no significant differences in the NPF, GCG, CAR variables.
Keywords: RGEC, Bank Healthy, NPF, FDR, GCG, ROA, CAR
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