This study aims to determine the factors that influence mustahiq income in Indonesia using the meta-analysis method after through sample selection. It was found that the variables used were zakat funds, assistance, length of business and education level. This study took a population of journals and manuscripts published on google scholar. This research accumulates and integrates existing studies using the meta-analysis technique developed by Hunter et al. (1982) on 15 publication samples. The results of this study indicate that the overall independent variables namely, zakat funds, assistance, education level and length of business, have a significant effect on the dependent variable of mustahiq income. The results of independent variable calculations state that there is a consistency of calculated results that are significant from the independent variable on the dependent variable, the dependent variable which is mustahiq income, is consistently influenced by its independent variables.
Keywords: mustahiq income, productive zakat, assistance, education level, length of business, Meta-analysis
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