This study aims to determine the market reaction to the stock split in the market. This research uses a quantitative approach using the event study method to analyze market reactions to an event. The analysis technique uses the One Sample t-Test to see market reactions and the Independent Sample t-Test to determine whether there is a difference between the Indonesian and Malaysian Islamic capital markets with a 21-day observation period consisting of 10 days before the stock split announcement (t -10), day of stock stock announcement (t0 or t = 0), and 10 days after stock split announcement (t + 10). The results of this study, based on statistical tests with α = 5%, found a significant abnormal return around the stock split announcement on the Indonesian Islamic capital market. AAR significant as much as 4 days and CAAR significant as much as 18 days during the observation period. In the Malaysian Islamic capital market, abnormal returns were also found to be significant around the stock split announcement. AAR is significant for 3 days during the observation period, 1 day before the announcement of the stock split, during the announcement of the stock split, and 1 day after the announcement of the stock split. A significant CAAR of 19 days during the observation period. In the independent sample t-test, AAR Indonesia and Malaysia obtained sig. (2-tailed) of 0.658. In the CAAR test, Indonesia and Malaysia obtained sig. (2-tailed) of 0.563. So there is no difference between the Indonesian and Malaysian sharia capital market reactions.
Keywords: Market Reaction, Stock Split, Abnormal Return, Event Study
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