This research aims to determine the risk mitigation technique for home financing takeover-funded products. The method used for this research is descriptive qualitative-case study. The data gained from this research is a primary data from an interview with three sources from Panin Dubai Sharia bank, and a secondary data of documentation and financial report of Panin Dubai Sharia Bank. The result of this research is Panin Dubai Sharia bank used reduction mitigation technique either on credit risk or operational risk. On the operational risk, Panin Dubai Sharia bank prepared document takeover and properties takeover further before the contract is done, and implementing Take over Operational Day only on Monday and Thursday. Meanwhile, for credit risk, Panin Dubai Sharia Bank used 4 kinds of systems such as backup of credentials, guarantees, internal ratings, computer models.
Keywords: Mitigation, Risk, Take Over, KPR
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