Value for Money Perception on Buying Intention Halal Cosmetics: Mediated by Emotional Brand Attachment
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui adanya pengaruh value for money perception dan emotional brand attachment terhadap niat membeli kosmetik halal khususnya produk Innisfree. Selain itu, untuk meningkatkan literasi tentang value for money perception dan emotional brand attachment terhadap buying intention. Pendekatan kuantitatif digunakan dalam metodologi penelitian ini dengan Path Analysis sebagai teknik analisis data. Pengumpulan data dengan menyebarkan kuesioner skala Likert berskala lima secara online. Responden dalam penelitian ini adalah 100 mahasiswi diberbagai universitas di Surabaya yang belum pernah menggunakan produk Innisfree. Hasil dari riset menunjukkan bahwa hubungan antar variabel value for money perception terhadap buying intention, value for money perception terhadap emotional brand attachment, dan emotional brand attachment terhadap buying intention ketiganya memiliki pengaruh secara signifikan positif.
Kata Kunci: Value for Money Perception, Emotional Brand Attachment, Buying Intention, Kosmetik Halal.
This study aims to determine the effect of value for money perception and emotional brand attachment on the intention to buy halal cosmetics, especially Innisfree products. In addition, to increase literacy about value for money perception and emotional brand attachment to buying intention. A quantitative approach is used in this research methodology with Path Analysis as a data analysis technique. Collecting data by distributing a five-scale Likert scale questionnaire online. Respondents in this study were 100 female students in various universities in Surabaya who had never used Innisfree products. The results of the research show that the relationship between the variable value for money perception on buying intention, value for money perception on emotional brand attachment, and emotional brand attachment on buying intention, all three have a significant positive effect.
Keywoards: Value for Money Perception, Emotional Brand Attachment, Buying Intention, Halal Cosmetics.
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