Zakat Utilizing in Poverty Alleviation (Case Study: Dompet Dhuafa Yogyakarta)
- 2023-12-24 (2)
- 2023-09-30 (1)
This study aimed to analyze differences in mustahik conditions after the intervention of productive zakat utilization programs. The methods used in this study were a mixed methods approach through the criteria of the World Bank's Development Assitance Committee (DAC) and paired t-test through a case study of the productive zakat utilization program of the Institut Mentas Unggul (IMU) Dompet Dhuafa Yogyakarta Province. The results of the study show that the support of zakat institutions and the role of companions have an influence in reducing poverty so that it can affect the welfare of its recipients and the results also show that empowerment programs have relevance, effectiveness, efficiency, and sustainability values that are good enough for the community.
Keywords: poverty, zakat, welfare, Development Assistance Committee (DAC) criteria.
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis perbedaan kondisi mustahik setelah adanya intervensi program pendayagunaan zakat produktif. Metode yang digunakan adalah dengan pendekatan mixed methods melalui kriteria Development Assitance Committee (DAC) World Bank dan uji t berpasangan melalui studi kasus program pendayagunaan zakat produktif Institut Mentas Unggul (IMU) Dompet Dhuafa Provinsi Yogyakarta. Hasil dari penelitian menunjukkan bahwa dukungan lembaga zakat serta peranan pendamping memiliki pengaruh dalam menurunkan angka kemiskinan sehingga dapat berpengaruh terhadap kesejahteraan penerimanya serta hasil juga menunjukkan bahwa program pemberdayaan mempunyai nilai relevansi, efektivitas, efisiensi, maupun keberlanjutan yang cukup baik untuk masyarakat.
Kata kunci : kemiskinan, zakat, kesejahteraan, kriteria Development Assistance Commmitee (DAC).
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