Intention to Pay Infaq and Alms Through Crowdfunding Platform
This research aims to analyze the factors that influence the people's intention to pay infaq and alms through crowdfunding platforms by integrating trust variables into the development of a combined TAM-TPB theory (C-TAM-TPB). This research data was collected by distributing questionnaires online via Google Form to 180 respondents in Indonesia who were selected using convenience sampling techniques. The data was then analyzed using the Partial Least Squares Structural Modeling (PLS-SEM) method with the help of Warp PLS 8.0 software. Statistical results show that perceived usefulness and perceived ease of use have a positive and significant effect on attitudes. Meanwhile, perceived usefulness, attitudes, perceived behavioral control, subjective norms, and trust have a positive and significant influence on people's intentions to pay infaq and alms through crowdfunding platforms. However, the perceived ease of use variable does not have a direct effect on the intention to pay infaq and alms through the crowdfunding platform. The implications of the research show that crowdfunding platform providers must be able to optimize the development and use of crowdfunding features that are easy to use (user friendly) and minimize barriers to using crowdfunding for people who want topaying infaq and alms. Apart from that, crowdfunding platform providers also need to focus on efforts to build and maintain public trust through transparency, security and good customer service so that people feel comfortable and confident in using crowdfunding platforms to pay infaq and alms.
Keywords: infaq, alms, crowdfunding platform
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi niat masyarakat untuk membayar infaq dan sedekah melalui platform crowdfunding dengan mengintegrasikan variabel kepercayaan kedalam pengembangan teori gabungan TAM-TPB (C-TAM-TPB). Data untuk penelitian ini dikumpulkan dengan menyebarkan kuesioner secara online melalui Google Form kepada 180 responden di Indonesia yang dipilih menggunakan teknik convenience sampling. Data kemudian dianalisis menggunakan metode Partial Least Squares Structural Modeling (PLS-SEM) dengan bantuan perangkat lunak Warp PLS 8.0. Hasil statistik menunjukkan bahwa persepsi kegunaan yang dirasakan dan kemudahan penggunaan yang dirasakan memiliki dampak positif dan signifikan terhadap sikap. Sementara itu, persepsi kegunaan yang dirasakan, sikap, kontrol perilaku yang dirasakan, norma subjektif, dan kepercayaan memiliki pengaruh positif dan signifikan terhadap niat masyarakat untuk membayar infaq dan sedekah melalui platform crowdfunding. Namun, variabel kemudahan yang dirasakan tidak memiliki pengaruh langsung terhadap niat membayar infaq dan sedekah melalui platform crowdfunding. Implikasi dari penelitian menunjukkan bahwa penyedia platform crowdfunding harus dapat mengoptimalkan pengembangan dan penggunaan fitur crowdfunding yang mudah digunakan (user friendly) dan meminimalkan hambatan penggunaan crowdfunding bagi masyarakat yang ingin berinfaq dan bersedekah. Selain itu, penyedia platform crowdfunding juga perlu fokus pada upaya untuk membangun dan memelihara kepercayaan masyarakat melalui transparansi, keamanan, dan layanan pelanggan yang baik sehingga masyarakat merasa nyaman dan percaya untuk menggunakan platform crowdfunding dalam membayar infaq dan sedekah.
Kata Kunci: infaq, sedekah, platform crowdfunding
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