
Login or Register to make a submission.

Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • The submission has not been previously published, nor is it before another journal for consideration (or an explanation has been provided in Comments to the Editor).
  • The submission file is in Microsoft Word. either 97-2003 format or above.
  • Where available, URLs for the references have been provided.
  • The text is single-spaced; Georgia font; uses a 11-point font; employs italics, rather than underlining (except with URL addresses); and all illustrations, figures, and tables are placed within the text at the appropriate points, rather than at the end.
  • The text adheres to the stylistic and bibliographic requirements outlined in the Author Guidelines, which is found in About the Journal.
  • If submitting to a peer-reviewed section of the journal, the instructions in Ensuring a Blind Review have been followed.
  • Make sure the author choose the Article (ART) section before submitting
  • Before submitting your article, please check our journal policies, particularly the publication ethics.
  • Shall there be any new updates on the status of the submitted article, the author will be notified shortly by the editorial boards through the Open Journal System and/or email if necessary. Please also note that the author may need to submit revision and/or supplementary documents, such as the Copyright Transfer Agreement file.

Author Guidelines

Author Guidelines for Global Strategis

Global Strategis is always looking for articles that contribute something new to current international relations debate, and are relevant not only for academic discourses but also for an extensive readership and practitioners of international relations.

Global Strategis welcomes submissions that are relevant to the needs of current relevant academic and policy discourses in the field of international relations and following Global Strategis four central theme:

International Peace and Security. All matters related to the current peace and security discourses that are part of International Relations issues.

International Political Economy. All matters related to the current international political and economic discourses that are part of International Relations issues.

International Business and Organization. All matters related to the current dynamics of international business and international organization discourses that are part of International Relations issues.

Globalization and Strategy. All matters related to globalization and strategy discourses that are part of International Relations issues.

Before submitting a manuscript to Jurnal Global Strategis or any other journals, please look at recent issues to get a sense of the general type of article that the journal publishes. Whenever editors gather to discuss why they reject manuscripts, they agree that the number one reason is that many submissions are inappropriate for their journals.

  1. Submission of Article

To submit an article to Global Strategis, the Authors should register and create an account on the (Open Journal System) OJS website Please note that the Authors should set the account as authors in order to submit an article. After registering and logging in, please navigate to Global Strategis author guidelines webpage for further online submission guidance.

2. Preparation for the article

  • The article must be original and have not been published in any platform (including blogs), and are not sent simultaneously to the media or other publication.
  • Article length should be 4000 - 5000 words
  • The title of the article must be specific, compelling, and consisting of 9-14 words (in Bahasa) or 7-10 words (in English or other foreign languages).
  • The article must include an abstract consisting of 150-200 words written in a single paragraph, followed by keywords; and consists of two languages (in Bahasa and English).
  • Body text should be set to Georgia 11, single space
  • The contents of the article should:
    • (1) have relevance to the needs of the teaching-learning process in the field of international relations; (2) related to the four themes of jurnal Global Strategis issues; (3) are following the theoretical, methodological and analytical logic of international relations, and also (4) pay attention to the norms of scientific methods and objectivity of the substances
  • The Author should include curriculum vitae with each submission that consist of Full name, place, and date of birth, institution and personal address for correspondences purposes, education background, work, and academic experiences, and a list of publications.
  • Articles should include author identity(name, email, and institution affiliation) without an academic degree.
  • Article writing:
    1. Avoid "‹bullet points and numbering"‹ (lists), for example:
      1. ....
      2. ....

 Instead write: (1) ..., (2) ....

  • The article should be written in the form of an elaborative essay. Therefore, avoid using sub-headings.
  • Make specific reference to each figure, graph, and table used in the article. Refer to each figure or table in the text by its figure or table number.
  • The conclusion of the article is written in a paragraph, not in bullet points.
  • Submitted article should comply with and follow the author's guidelines (theme, topics, citation and references style, and any technical instruction stated in these guidelines). We will reject any submitted articles that did not comply and follow the guidelines.
  1. Citation"‹ Style "‹Guides"‹
  • Running note citation style is required. Writer is not allowed to use footnote (except for explaining some parts) and endnote.
  • Direct quotation
    • Author's name cited in essay which is part of the sentence
      Wade (2007) argued that ...
      As stated by Wade (2007)...
      According to Wade's (2007) idea of ...
  • Indirect quotation
    ... (Kaldor 2006)
  • More than one author in one sentence or statement
    Martin (2006) and Johnson (2008) have similar idea on....
  • More than one author in one sentence or statement (indirect quotation)
    .... (Martin 2006; Johnson 2008).
  • Two authors
    Falola and Genova (2005) stated that....
    .... (Falola dan Genova 2005).
  • More than two authors
    (first author's last name et al. year)
    Eizenstat et al. (2005) argued that....
    .... (Eizenstat et al. 2005).
  • Anonymous author
    Write: "title of the article” (year)
    In article "Weak States and Global Threats: Fact or Fiction” (2006), mentioned that....
  • Unidentified year of publication
    Write: author's last name (n.d.)
    Sieuw (n.d.) stated that...
    .... (Sieuw t.t.).
  • Write specific page number
    Acharya (2004, 58) stated that....
    .... (Acharya 2004, 58).
  • One author, two different published year
    Laquer (1987 & 1999) suggested...
    .... (Laquer 1987 & 1999)
  • One author, some arguments, same year
    Author's last name ("‹year"‹a) ...... Author's last name ("‹year"‹b)
    The first research which done by Martin (2006a) found that.... but the second
    research carried out by Martin (2006b) ......
  • Secondary sources (second-hand references)
    .... (Sageman 2004 cited in Dempsey 2006).
    Sageman (2004 cited in Dempsey 2006), suggests that...
    Sageman (2004) as cited in Dempsey (2006) found that........
  1. Referencing style guide
  • Written in alphabetical order by author's last name
  • Classified by these following source: book, journal, research dissertations or theses, working paper, government official publication, online article, newspaper, etc.
    • Book with one author
      Wardhani, Baiq, 2010. "‹Globalisasi dan Konflik Etnis"‹. Surabaya: Cakra Studi
      Global Strategis.
    • Book with two authors
      Falola, Toyin, and Ann Genova, 2005. "‹The Politics of the Global Oil Industry: An Introduction"‹. London: Praeger.
    • Book with more than two authors
      Grace, Bruno, et al., 1988. "‹A History of the World"‹. Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press.
    • Edited book
      Rotberg, Robert I. (ed.), 2003. "‹State Failure and State Weakness in a Time of
      Terror. Washington D.C.: Brookings Institution Press.
      Thomas, Caroline, dan Peter Wilkin (eds.), 1999. "‹Globalization, Human Security and the African Experience"‹. Boulder, Colo: Lynne Rienner
      Baylis, John, et al. (eds.), 2007. "‹Strategy in the Contemporary World"‹. Oxford:
      Oxford University Press.
    • Translated book
      Jackson, Robert, dan Georg Sorensen, 2005. P"‹engantar Studi Hubungan Internasional (trans. Dadan Suryadipura, Introduction to International Relations). Yogyakarta: Pustaka Pelajar. Xiv
    • Article, Chapter or other part of a book
      Parsa, Misagh, 2003. "Will Democratization and Globalization Make Revolutions
      Obsolete?”, in Foran, John (ed.), 2003. "‹The Future of Revolutions: Rethinking
      Radical Change in the Age of Globalization
      "‹. London: Zed Book.
    • E-book
      Fishman, Robert., 2005. "‹The Rise and Fall of Suburbia"‹. [e-book]. Chester: Castle Press. In [accessed 24 Juli 2011].
      Employment Law and Practice. 2005. [CD-ROM]. London: Gee. In [accessed 1 Agustus 2011].
    • Multiple works by the same author cited in a book (where there are
      several works by one author and published in the same year they
      should be differentiated by adding a lower-case letter after the date)
      Martin, Gus, 2006a. "‹Understanding Terrorism. California"‹: Sage Publications.
      _____, 2006b. "Globalization and International Terrorism”, in Ritzer, George
      (ed.), 2006. "‹The Blackwell Companion to Globalization"‹. Malden, MA: Blackwell.
    • Journal article
      Wiyatmoko, Aswin, 2011. "Strategi Perlawanan World Social Forum terhadap Globalisasi Neoliberal (2001-2008)”, x, "‹5 (1):59-74.
    • Thesis or Dissertation
      Dharmaputra, Radityo, 2011. Analisis Respon Negara terhadap Strategi Netwar Kelompok Separatis: Studi Kasus Pemerintah Indonesia Melawan Organisasi Papua Merdeka, Tahun 1999-2010. Tesis Magister. Surabaya: Departemen Hubungan Internasional Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas
    • Working paper
      International Crisis Group, 2006. "Terrorism in Indonesia: Noordin's Networks”,
      Asia Report, No. 114, 5 May.
    • Conference paper
      Karnavian, M. Tito, 2009. "The International Dimension of Terrorism in
      Indonesia: Ideology, Network, Funding and Cooperation to Combat It”, in
      Seminar International Security: Facing the Challenge of Terrorism, 10 November.
      Surabaya: Departemen Hubungan Internasional Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu
      Politik Universitas Airlangga.
    • Newspaper article
      Mubah, A. Safril, 2013. "Utang Budi RI kepada Mesir”, Jawa Pos, 16 September,
      hlm 4.
    • Acts of Parliaments
      Undang-Undang Republik Indonesia Nomor 3 Tahun 2002 tentang Pertahanan
      Negara, 2002. Jakarta: DPR RI. Xv
    • White Papers and other official publications
      Buku Putih Departemen Pertahanan Republik Indonesia, 2008. Jakarta:
      Departemen Pertahanan RI.
    • Annual Report
      United Nations Development Program (UNDP), 1994. Human Development
      Report 1994.
    • DVD/VCD
      The Habibie Center, 2004. Publikasi 5 Tahun, 1999-2004. [VCD]. Jakarta: The
      Habibie Center.
    • Video (Film)
      Pilger, John, 2001. The New Ruler of the World. [video]. Jakarta: Indy Cinema.
    • Online article
      US Energy Information Administration, 2010. "Country Analysis Brief-India”
      [online]. in [accessed 22 Oktober
    • Interview
      Wardhani, Baiq, 2023. "Lecturer of International Relations, Universitas Airlangga, expert on Pacific Island Countries Studies", interviewed by Yohanes William Santoso, 17 August 2023.
  1. Editorial Process and Publication Policy
  • Editorial Decision

Editorial staff decision is final, and therefore the editor has the right to edit articles without the author's knowledge, without changing the substance and the main ideas of the author.

  • Publication Timeline

Global Strategis is published twice a year. The process of review and publication takes at least four months; thus, a manuscript submitted in March would ordinarily not appear before the end year issue. Decisions on manuscripts ordinarily take roughly two months; the editing and publication process takes a month or two. When authors are asked to revise, the process may take longer.

  • Publication Frequency

Global Strategis has a policy of not publishing any author more than once a year. We occasionally may make exceptions for coauthored articles.


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The names and email addresses entered in this journal site will be used exclusively for the stated purposes of this journal and will not be made available for any other purpose or to any other party.