The Identification of "The Art of War” Military Strategy On Netflix's Business Strategy

International Business Multinational Company Strategy Business Strategy


Vol. 14 No. 1 (2020): Global Strategis
Jurnal Global & Strategis 14.1 2020
June 8, 2020


Karya sastra klasik "the Art of War” yang ditulis oleh Sun Tzu dipandang relevan ketika diterapkan di era kontemporer ini. Tidak terbatas pada lingkup militer saja, the Art of War juga dapat diterapkan di berbagai aspek kehidupan salah satunya di aspek bisnis. Tulisan ini bertujuan untuk meneliti strategi militer yang tertulis dalam the Art of War yang teridentifikasi dalam strategi bisnis Netflix, sebagai suatu perusahaan yang berhasil menghadirkan terobosan di tengah industri hiburan digital. Untuk mencapai tujuan tersebut, penulis menggunakan metode kualitatif yang menganalisis data primer dan sekunder, serta mengumpulkan data-data dari kajian terdahulu, buku, jurnal, dan artikel ilmiah. Hasil dari penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa Netflix mengadopsi beberapa strategi militer Sun Tzu dalam upayanya menduduki industri hiburan. Dengan beberapa penafsiran terminologi strategi militer yang kemudian disesuaikan dengan terminologi bisnis, penulis kemudian menelaah tahap-tahap perkembangan bisnis Netflix yang disertai dengan analisis strategi militer "the Art of War” sebagai upaya perusahaan melakukan penetrasi pasar dan menghadapi kompetitor, mendesain inovasi dan mengembangkan usaha, serta membentuk aliansi. Selain itu, penulis menemukan kesamaan pemikiran antara konsep pasifisme Sun Tzu dengan konsep binsis Netflix sebagai purpose-driven business.


Kata-kata kunci: The Art of War, Netflix, dan Strategi Bisnis.



The classic literary work, "the Art of War" written by Sun Tzu, is considered to remain relevant applied in this contemporary era. Not limited to the military aspect, the Art of War also finds its place in various aspects of life, one of which is in business aspects. This paper aims to examine the military strategy written in the Art of War identified in the Netflix business strategy as a company that has succeeded in generating breakthroughs amid the digital entertainment industry. The authors employ qualitative methods to analyze both primary and secondary data collected from previous studies, books, journals, and scientific articles. The results of this study indicated that Netflix adopted several of Sun Tzu's military strategies in its efforts to occupy the entertainment industry. Some interpretations of military strategy terminologies have been adjusted into business terminologies to analyze the stages of Netflix's business development by using the Art of War military strategy as attempts by the company to penetrate the market and face competitors, designing innovation and business development, as well as forming alliances. Moreover, the authors found the similarity of ideas between the concept of pacifism by Sun Tzu with the business concept of Netflix as a purpose-driven business.


Keywords: The Art of War, Netflix, and Business Strategy.