United Kingdom Effort to Combat COVID-19: Learn-to-reflect Policy

England COVID-19 Syndemic-Pandemic Whole-Of-Society Governance Collaboration Inequality


Vol. 14 No. 2 (2020): Global Strategis
Jurnal Global & Strategis 14.2 2020
November 30, 2020



Hingga saat ini, belum ada basis indikator dan ukuran internasional yang diterapkan sebelum COVID-19”baik indikator kesehatan, ekonomi, maupun sosial-politik” yang dapat digunakan untuk memprediksi bagaimana performa tiap negara dalam merespon COVID-19. Negara dengan ekonomi yang besar belum tentu dapat merespon pandemi dengan mumpuni. Dinamika yang tidak jauh berbeda juga dialami oleh Inggris. Inggris masih menempati posisi ketiga tertinggi di wilayah Eropa dengan kasus kumulatif COVID-19 per Agustus 2020. Pun ini diperumit dengan tingkat kematian (case fatality rate/CFR) COVID-19 di Inggris sebagai persentase tertinggi di Eropa. Ini menjadikan proses implementasi kebijakan Inggris terkait COVID-19 menarik untuk dikaji. Analisis kebijakan ini didasari pada lensa syndemic yang menekankan pentingnya implikasi non-kesehatan untuk diinkorporasi dalam pembuatan kebijakan serta whole-of-society menggarisbawahi koordinasi aktor-aktor negara dan non-negara penting untuk proses implementasi. Temuan tulisan ini ialah kebijakan pemerintah Inggris berbentuk learn-to-reflect; mencoba inklusif dan holistik serta berhasil menekan pertumbuhan kasus baru, namun observasi mendatang antara koordinasi aktor dalam multisektor isu terhadap efektivitas kebijakan jangka panjang masih diperlukan.


Kata-Kata Kunci: Inggris; COVID-19; Syndemic-Pandemic; Whole-Of-Society; Kolaborasi Pemerintahan; Ketimpangan



To date, no fixed international indicators set prior to the start of COVID-19”either health, economics, or socio-politics indicators”can be used to predict how states' policies fared in responding to COVID-19. A state with an enormous economic power does not necessarily equip to respond the pandemic adequately. The United Kingdom (UK) has encountered similar dynamic. The UK remains as the third country with the most cumulative cases of COVID-19 in the Europe as per August 2020. This complicated by the UK's COVID-19 CFR that remains as the highest in the Europe. This brought to light a puzzle in how the UK implement its COVID-19 policy. The analysis in this study utilized a syndemic lens in which emphasises the importance of non-health issues to be incorporated into the policy, as well as based the policy implementation process on the whole-of-society approach where state and non-state actors' coordination remains significant. The findings on UK policy response mimicked a model of learn-to-reflect; attempted to be inclusive and holistic, as well as successfully reduced new daily COVID-19 cases, yet, the upcoming observation on the coordination between actors on multisectoral issues and how this affects the effectiveness of long-term policy remains as an utmost necessity.


Keywords: United Kingdom; COVID-19; Syndemic-Pandemic; Whole-Of-Society; Governance Collaboration; Inequality