European Union Cross-Border Refugees Securitization toward Freedom of Movement Regime 2015-2020

Refugee Crisis securitisation border security European Union


  • Hasna Nur Fadillah Ramadhani
    Department of International Relations, Faculty of Social and Political Sciences Universitas Padjadjaran
  • Viani Puspita Sari Department of International Relations, Faculty of Social and Political Sciences Universitas Padjadjaran
  • Fuad Azmi Department of International Relations, Faculty of Social and Political Sciences Universitas Padjadjaran
December 8, 2022


The refugee crisis that occurred in Europe in 2015 has caused various challenges to the EU's asylum and migration policies. Migration flows from refugees have posed the threat of internal crises to pressure on the Freedom of Movement regime, namely the Schengen Agreement. This study discusses the securitization of cross-border refugees carried out by the European Union against the Freedom of Movement regime. The research analysis uses the framework of securitization theory by Buzan through a speech act by the European Union as a securitization actor in the security governance in line with theory proposed by Sperling & Webber. The study used qualitative methods by reviewing documents and interviews with related informants. The findings of this study indicate that the initial speech act by the European Union has failed because of the rejection from member. Thus, the securitization process experienced recursive interactions between the European Union and the member in security governance. This recursive process has changed the speech act process and extraordinary measurement by the European Union, which initially focused on humanitarian discourse, turned into a border security discourse to protect the achievement of the EU's core integration, namely Schengen.

Keywords: Refugee Crisis, Securitization, Border Security, European Union


Krisis pengungsi yang terjadi di Eropa pada tahun 2015 telah menyebabkan berbagai tantangan terhadap kebijakan suaka dan migrasi Uni Eropa. Arus migrasi dari pengungsi lintas batas telah menimbulkan ancaman krisis internal dan tekanan terhadap rezim Freedom of Movement yaitu Perjanjian Schengen. Penelitian ini membahas mengenai sekuritisasi pengungsi lintas batas yang dilakukan oleh Uni Eropa terhadap rezim Freedom of Movement. Analisis penelitian menggunakan kerangka teori sekuritisasi oleh Buzan et al. (1992) melalui speech act oleh Uni Eropa sebagai aktor sekuritisasi dalam teori tata kelola kemanan yang dikemukakan oleh Sperling & Webber (2018). Penelitian menggunakan metode kualitatif yang dilakukan dengan penelaahan dokumen dan wawancara kepada informan terkait. Temuan dari penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa speech act yang dilakukan oleh Uni Eropa mengalami kegagalan karena tidak diterima anggota sebagai audiens, sehingga proses sekuritisasi mengalami interaksi rekursif antara Uni Eropa dan anggotanya dalam tata kelola kemanan. Proses rekursif ini telah mengubah proses speech act dan tindakan luar biasa oleh Uni Eropa yang pada awalnya fokus pada diskursus kemanusiaan berubah menjadi diskursus keamanan perbatasan untuk melindungi pencapaian integasi inti Uni Eropa yaitu Schengen.

Kata-kata Kunci: Krisis Pengungsi, Sekuritisasi, Keamanan Perbatasan, Uni Eropa