US Pivot and Stability in the Asia Pacific Region

US rebalancing strategy security dynamic post-modern states Asia Pacific maritime


  • Angel Damayanti
    Departemen Hubungan Internasional, Universitas Kristen Indonesia
Vol. 9 No. 1 (2015): Global Strategis
Jurnal Global & Strategis 9.1 2015
February 22, 2018


The US rebalancing strategy in Asia Pacific confirms the importance of Asia
Pacific region particularly for the US and her interest. A rapid economic
development in Asia Pacific states coupled with security dynamics that
potentially triggers instability in the region have become driving factors for
the US involvement in the region. The US (re)-existence as well as her active
engagement obviously gives rise to multiple responses and leads to negative
perception. This article perceives that the US pivot in Asia Pacific including the
strengthening of US influence in the region might provoke tension particularly
with China. Nonetheless, a common and mutual interest in economic and
security has forced both states to self-restrain and develop strategic
partnership, which is essential to achieve their common goals together with
other Asia Pacific states. To understand the US strategy and the impact of the
strategy, this article analyzes the US official documents as well as other
related states' documents, and using the "post-modern states” approach to
explain the implication of US military strategy