High Potency Enviromerntal Physical and Biological Factors of Malaria Transmission Tendency in Regency Working Area of Pandean Health Center Trenggalek
Physical and biological environmental factors are important determinants for the transmission of malaria. Theaim of this study was to analyze the potential of physical and biological factors that influence transmission of malaria in working area of Pandean Health Center. This research is a descriptive study with cross sectional design using a population of 52 people with purposive sampling technique. Data were collected by observation and interview. An overview of the respondents have the wall that completed the requirement (86.5%), house without gauze ventilation (96.2%), and the roof of the house or the house without ceiling (57.7%). Temperature was 22–31°C in research areas, humidity was 58–95%, rainfall was 5 mm/day, wind speed was 35km / h. Mosquito breeding sites around the home (96.2%), the resting place of mosquitoes around the home (100%), the presence of cattle pens away from home (80.8%), ownership of livestock (73.1%), the presence of mosquitoes and predators larvae (100%). It was concluded that the condition of the physical environment and biological research areas if connected in theory it has a high potential for the occurrence of malaria. It was suggested to repair the home environment and to increase early awareness on all citizens.
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