Focus and ScopeAuthor Guidelines Online Submissions Article TemplatePlagiarism PolicyArticle Proccessing Charge
Editorial Policies
- Focus and Scope
- Section Policies
- Peer Review Process
- Publication Frequency
- Open Access Policy
- Archiving
- Publication Ethics
- Screening for Plagiarism
- Article Processing Charges
Focus and Scope
The Journal of Theoretical and Applied Management (Jurnal Manajemen Teori dan Terapan) provides a forum for academics and professionals to share the latest developments and advances in knowledge and practice of business management, both theory and methods, focusing on Asia and other Emerging Market perspectives. It aims to foster the exchange of ideas on a range of essential management subjects and to provide a stimulus for research and the further development of international perspectives. The covered domains but not limited to, such as:
- Organization theory,
- Human resource management,
- Organizational behavior
- Strategic management,
- Business strategy and policy,
- Entrepreneurship,
- Marketing management,
- and other areas related to Management
Section Policies
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Peer Review Process
Upon submission of a manuscript to the Journal of Theoretical and Applied Management (Jurnal Manajemen Teori dan Terapan), the Editor-in-Chief will assess its suitability for publication. Manuscripts that do not align with the journal's focus and scope will be rejected outright without any external review. Potential manuscripts will be reviewed by external independent experts, and the Editor-in-Chief will make a decision based on their recommendations from among several possibilities: rejected, require major revision, need minor revision, or accepted. The final decision on publication will be made following a double-blind peer review, which will consider the articles' relevance and contribution to both theory and practical development. Both editors and external independent reviewers will provide feedback to the authors regarding the evaluation results. Ultimately, the Editor-in-Chief has the final decision on which manuscripts will be published in the journal.
The process for reviewing a manuscript typically takes 4 to 12 weeks on average, depending on how long the editor and external independent reviewers take to complete their assessments. If an author has yet to receive confirmation from Journal of Theoretical and Applied Management after a prolonged period, they can reach out for updates via email at The review process at Journal of Theoretical and Applied Management follows a set of stages, which are as follows:
- Only manuscripts submitted through the online journal system (OJS) on the journal's website at will be processed.
- The manuscripts will undergo a thorough evaluation to ensure compliance with the journal's author guidelines and submission template. Additionally, we will assess whether the manuscript aligns with the focus and scope of the journal. If deemed appropriate, the next steps in the process will be initiated. However, if it is not a suitable fit, we recommend submitting it to an alternative journal. The editor of Journal of Theoretical and Applied Management will promptly notify the author of the status via OJS and email.
- All manuscripts will go through a similarity check using Turnitin to ensure originality. If the similarity level exceeds 25%, the manuscript will be rejected during the desk evaluation stage. Please note that the Editor-in-chief's decision is final and cannot be disputed.
- An assigned external independent reviewers will review the manuscripts to determine if they make a significant contribution to the advancement of business and management in science and practice. If they meet the criteria, two external independent peer reviewers will conduct an independent review by referring to the Journal review form.
- If a manuscript is accepted with revisions (whether minor or major), it will come with comments from peer reviewers and need to be revised by the author. The Journal of Theoretical and Applied Management policy states that external independent reviewers only provide suggestions on whether to accept or reject the manuscript. Ultimately, the editor and editor-in-chief make the final decision on whether to accept or reject the manuscript.
- Authors are given one month to revise their manuscripts. In case they require additional time, they can request an extension by emailing the editor at However, if the editor does not receive any notification within a specific time, it will be considered that the author has resigned.
- After completing final revisions, manuscripts that have been accepted by the editor will be published in the Journal of Theoretical and Applied Management. The editor-in-chief will determine the edition in which they will appear. If an author has a preference for a specific volume or number, they may request it via email ( to the Journal of Theoretical and Applied Management editor-in-chief.
Publication Frequency
Journal of Theoretical and Applied Management (Jurnal Manajemen Teori dan Terapan) published three times a year (January-April, May-August, and September-December)
Open Access Policy
Journal of Theoretical and Applied Management (Jurnal Manajemen Teori dan Terapan) is an open-access journal which means that all content is freely available without charge to the users or their institution. Users are allowed to read, download, copy, distribute, print, search, or link to the full texts of the articles, crawl them for indexing, pass them as data to software, or use them for any other lawful purpose without asking prior permission from the publisher or the author. This is in accordance with the Budapest Open Access Initiative (BOAI) definition of open access
This journal utilizes CLOCKSS system to create a distributed archiving system among participating libraries and permits those libraries to create permanent archives of the journal for purposes of preservation and restoration.
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Research and Publication Ethics
Journal of Theoretical and Applied Management (Jurnal Manajemen Teori dan Terapan) is a peer-reviewed journal that upholds the ethical standards set by the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE). Therefore, all parties, including the authors, editors, and external reviewers involved in the publishing process, must comply with the following ethics statements.
Ethical Guidelines for Authors
Authors must adhere to the following requirements for manuscript submission to the Journal of Theoretical and Applied Management.
- Authors must provide a precise and reliable manuscript with accurate data, relevant references, and sufficient details. Presenting research findings accurately and objectively discussing their significance.
- To ensure accurate findings, authors should provide detailed data and methods in their work, allowing others to replicate the research. Raw data should be publicly available, unless confidentiality must be maintained for patient privacy.
- It is strictly prohibited to submit the same manuscript to multiple journals simultaneously.
- Authors must be upfront about potential conflicts of interest that could affect their manuscript's outcomes or interpretation. They should also disclose all financial support for the work to ensure complete transparency.
- Authors should guarantee the originality of their work by submitting only completely original manuscripts. Any use of other people's work or words should be properly cited. Plagiarism, in any form, is unethical publication conduct and must be avoided.
- Include only qualified authors and clearly state their contributions to ensure accurate authorship attribution.
- The authors are responsible for informing the journal editor or publisher about any significant errors or inaccuracies in their published work. If a third party informs the editors or publisher about any errors, it is still the authors' responsibility to take action or provide evidence of accuracy.
The Journal of Theoretical and Applied Management adheres to the guidelines of the International Committee of Medical Journal Editors (ICMJE). These guidelines specify the criteria that must be met in order to qualify for authorship of a manuscript. Adherence to these criteria is essential for authors seeking to be recognized as legitimate contributors to a publication. The guidelines recommends that authorship be based on the following 4 criteria:
- Substantial contributions to the conception or design of the work; or the acquisition, analysis, or interpretation of data for the work; AND
- Drafting the work or reviewing it critically for important intellectual content; AND
- Final approval of the version to be published; AND
- Agreement to be accountable for all aspects of the work in ensuring that questions related to the accuracy or integrity of any part of the work are appropriately investigated and resolved.
Individuals who have contributed to a project but do not meet the criteria for authorship should be acknowledged in the acknowledgments section.
Author Contributions
For total transparency, all manuscripts submitted must contain an author contributorship statement delineating the work performed by each author. Research articles featuring multiple authors should provide a concise paragraph outlining their contributions.
Changes to Authorship
Any modification to the list of authors throughout the editorial process or after the publication must obtain approval from all the authors, including those who have been removed. We hold the right to ask for evidence of authorship, and alterations to authorship after acceptance will be at the discretion of the Journal editor.
Authorship and the Use of AI or AI-Assisted Technologies
The Journal of Theoretical and Applied Management adheres to the position statement of the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE) concerning the employment of artificial intelligence (AI) and AI-assisted technology in manuscript preparation. According to COPE's authorship criteria, tools such as ChatGPT and other large language models (LLMs) cannot be considered authors on manuscripts.
When incorporating AI or AI-assisted tools in manuscript preparation, disclosing this information explicitly and thoroughly upon submission is essential. Authors must be transparent about using these tools and provide specific details on how they were employed within the "Materials and Methods" section. Furthermore, acknowledging the AI tool's product details in the "Acknowledgments" section is also required.
Deceased Authors
In the event that a manuscript contains a deceased author or if an author passes away during the peer review process, it is the responsibility of the corresponding author or co-authors to promptly inform the editorial office. If the deceased author held the position of corresponding author, the authorship group should nominate a co-author to assume this role. The corresponding author is expected to confirm the contribution of the deceased author and any potential conflicts of interest. Upon publication, a note will be added under the author list as a tribute to the deceased author.
Authorship Disputes
Journal of Theoretical and Applied Management adheres to the guidelines set forth by the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE) for the resolution of authorship disputes that may arise during processing or post-publication. According to the COPE guidelines, journals are not authorized to determine appropriate authorship contributions. Additionally, COPE states that disputed authorship is typically not a valid reason for retraction unless "there is no reason to doubt the validity of the findings". If affected parties cannot reach a resolution, journals will consult an appropriate institution or governing body for a final decision. Journal of Theoretical and Applied Management retains the right to modify authorship lists in accordance with suggestions from the relevant institution or governing body.
Research Involving Human Subjects
Ethics approval
The Journal of Theoretical and Applied Management (JTAM) requires authors to comply with the World Medical Association's (WMA) Declaration of Helsinki - Ethical Principles for Medical Research Involving Human Subjects. For studies involving humans, all research articles submitted to the journal must include a statement that the study obtained ethical clearance from a recognized body in the country before conducting the fieldwork, such as the institutional review board or research ethics committees. If there is a valid justification, such as the absence of a national or local ethics committee, ethical clearance from non-national bodies may be acceptable. Relevant documentation of such ethical approval may be requested by JTAM.
Retrospective ethics approval
If a study has not obtained ethics committee approval before commencing, retrospective approval for ethics is typically unattainable, and it may not be feasible to consider the manuscript for peer review. In such cases, the Editor has the final say on whether to proceed with peer review.
Informed consent
One of the main principles of research ethics is informed consent. The purpose of informed consent is to ensure that human participants have complete information about the implications of their participation in the research and agree to participate voluntarily before beginning the research.
Prospective consent should be obtained from participants before they enter research, and there should not be any pressure on them to agree. Informed consent requires that the participants understand the research and what their consent means.
Participant consent to publish
Following ethical standards, authors are generally discouraged from publishing or sharing personally identifiable information collected during research without explicit consent from the individuals or their authorized representatives.
It is imperative to secure consent from participants (or their legal guardians if under 16) before publishing research that involves identifiable human subjects. This requirement also extends to deceased individuals, whereby permission must be granted by their next of kin. The authors must confirm that they have acquired consent and that any identifiable individuals are informed about the intended publication.
To ensure participant anonymity, it is not necessary for authors to provide evidence of consent to the Journal of Theoretical and Applied Management. Instead, a statement confirming that consent has been obtained for all identifiable individuals must be included in the manuscript.
Corrections and Retractions Policy
A Correction notice is issued to correct any errors or omissions in an article that may impact its interpretation while preserving the article's scholarly integrity and original findings. The Journal of Theoretical and Applied Management categorizes corrections as Minor or Major.
- Minor corrections are a standard procedure to address minor issues that do not affect the scientific content of an article. An updated version must be uploaded to the version of the record (VoR) to ensure accuracy and reliability. Upon approval, a footnote will be added to the PDF version of the article, and a "correction statement" will be added to the website version's backmatter. It is important to note that a separate published correction notice is not required for a minor correction. This process guarantees that our articles are of the highest quality, and we take pride in our commitment to accuracy and transparency.
- Major corrections are implemented to rectify any issues or errors that completely impact an article's scientific interpretation. Once approved, the updated paper will be made available on our website without delay, along with the simultaneous publication of a correction notice. This notice is published as a separate publication that provides a direct link to the updated paper and is featured in the journal's current issue. The correction confidently informs all readers that a significant change has been made to the paper and that the revised version is now fully accessible on the website.
Any significant factual errors or major mistakes found in the article will be promptly identified through a separate corrigendum (in case of author errors) or erratum (in case of publisher errors) highlighting the necessary changes. Rest assured, the academic validity and integrity of the article will remain intact. In case of any updates made to the article, a correction footnote will be added to highlight the changes and reference the corresponding corrigendum or erratum. All corrigenda and errata will be linked to the original article.
The Journal of Theoretical and Applied Management adheres to the COPE Retraction Guidelines, which involves issuing a retraction notice to inform readers of significant errors or violations of scholarly integrity. Retraction of an article by the journal may occur if, following an investigation and editorial evaluation, the findings or conclusions cannot be considered reliable for any reason.
The criteria for the retraction of an article by the Journal of Theoretical and Applied Management include:
- The article contains unreliable findings due to research misconduct (data fabrication, image manipulation) or errors (miscalculation, experimental).
- Evidence shows that the article was accepted due to a compromised or manipulated peer review process.
- The authors have failed to address the concerns or queries regarding their article satisfactorily.
- The article constitutes plagiarism.
- The publication of the findings has been reported in other sources without appropriate referencing, permission, or justification, such as redundant or duplicate publication.
- The article has used material or data without authorization.
- Article is the result of unethical research
- Evidence of copyright violation or other serious legal issue with the article.
- The author(s) did not disclose a significant conflict of interest, which would have unduly influenced the work's interpretations and recommendations made by editors and peer reviewers.
To request the retraction of an article, authors can send an email to The Journal Editor will evaluate the requests, which may be declined if they do not align with COPE guidance and journal policies. In the event of a retraction, we will always explain the rationale behind the decision, along with a direct link to the initial article. Although we will inform authors of the retraction and welcome their input, it is worth emphasizing that their consent is not necessary. We will only revisit our decision to retract if undeniable new evidence emerges.
Ethical Guidelines for Reviewers and Editors
The Journal of Theoretical and Applied Management's editorial process is overseen by various participants, including the Editorial Office, Editors-in-Chief, Editorial Board Members, Guest Editors and Reviewers. All these individuals are responsible for ensuring the integrity of the peer-review process.
Reviewer Roles and Responsibilities
The Journal of Theoretical and Applied Management follows a double-blind review process. Once an article passes screening by the editorial board, it is sent to two external independent reviewers for evaluation. The paper evaluation process involves the use of two external independent reviewers. The reviewers are selected based on their expertise in the relevant field and ability to provide an impartial judgment. In addition to their responsibility to evaluate the paper fairly, reviewers have significant obligations to authors, editors, and readers.
Reviewer responsibilities toward authors- Providing timely written feedback that is impartial, constructive, and focused on the scholarly worth and scientific significance of the work, accompanied by the reviewer's documented rationale for their viewpoint.
- Evaluating the clarity, conciseness, and relevance of the writing and assessing the composition, scientific accuracy, originality, and potential interest of the work to the journal's readers.
- External independent reviewers must not use unpublished material or privileged information from a submitted manuscript for their own research or personal advantage without written consent from the authors.
- Manuscripts sent to external independent reviewers must be kept confidential. Reviewers are only allowed to share or discuss the work with others if given permission by the editor.
- Avoiding personal comments or criticism.
- External independent reviewers with conflicts of interest should inform the editors and decline the review invitation. Alternative reviewers will be contacted.
- If unable to review within the given time frame, it is recommended to notify the editor immediately. It is also suggested that alternative reviewer names be provided if possible.
- Ensuring that the review meets the journal's requirements for its scope, content, and quality as specified in the editor's written instructions.
- Delivering a comprehensive, judicious, fair, valuable, and explanatory appraisal of the submitted manuscript may encompass additional data furnished by the author to the journal.
- Determining scientific merit, originality, and scope of the work; indicating ways to improve it; and, if requested, recommending acceptance or rejection using whatever rating scale the editor deems most useful.
- Noting ethical concerns, such as violating ethical norms for animal or human subjects or similarity with published or concurrent manuscripts.
- Refraining from direct author contact.
- The reviewer is responsible for ensuring that the study design's scientific merit can be evaluated and replicated by providing sufficient detail on the methods and analysis.
- Ensuring that the article cites all relevant work by other scientists
Ethical Responsibilities of Reviewers
All reveiwers of the Journal of Theoretical and Applied Management must adhere to the Ethical guidelines for peer reviewers set by the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE):
- Confidentiality: The reviewed material should be kept confidential and not discussed with anyone not involved in the review process unless authorized by the editor for necessary reasons.
- Constructive critique: When reviewing material, it is essential to provide balanced feedback highlighting both positive and negative aspects. In doing so, reviewers should offer constructive criticism and suggest areas for improvement. To ensure that editors and authors fully understand the basis of the feedback, reviewers should clearly explain and support their judgments.
- Competence: It is the responsibility of reviewers to inform the editor when they lack sufficient expertise to evaluate a manuscript. Reviewers should only accept assignments with adequate knowledge to provide an authoritative assessment, even if they are not experts in every aspect of the manuscript's content. If a reviewer lacks the necessary expertise, they risk either recommending the acceptance of a submission with significant deficiencies or rejecting a high-quality paper. In such cases, reviewers should decline the review to avoid making an inaccurate or misleading assessment.
- Impartiality and integrity: When reviewing a paper, the reviewer must base their comments and conclusions on objectively and impartially considering the facts. This means that the reviewer should avoid personal or professional biases and focus solely on the paper's scientific merit, originality, and quality of writing, as well as its relevance to the journal's scope and mission. It is crucial to note that the reviewer's comments should not be influenced by the author's race, ethnic origin, sex, religion, or citizenship. As a reviewer, you should not take advantage of any scientific, financial, personal, or other benefits that may arise from the privileged communication of peer review. Reviewers should make every effort to avoid even the appearance of taking advantage of information obtained through the review process. If reviewers believe they have a significant conflict of interest, declining the request to review and discussing your concerns with the editor is best. Remember, as a reviewer, your role is to provide objective feedback that will help improve the paper's quality and contribute to the advancement of science.
- Disclosure of conflict of interest: The review system should reduce any form of bias on the reviewer's part, whether real or perceived. In the event that a reviewer has any potential interest that could impact their ability to conduct an objective review, they should either decline the reviewer role or reveal their conflict of interest to the editor and seek guidance on how to handle it best.
- Timeliness and responsiveness: It is the responsibility of the reviewers to act promptly, follow the instructions provided for completing a review, and submit it in a timely manner. Please do so to ensure the review process is smooth. Reviewers should make every effort to complete the review within the given time frame. If, for some reason, it is not possible to meet the deadline, the reviewer should either decline to perform the review promptly or inquire whether there is any scope for an extension.
Ethical Guidelines for Editors
Editors of the Journal of Theoretical and Applied Management (JTAM) have responsibilities toward the authors who provide the content of the journals, the peer reviewers who comment on the suitability of manuscripts for publication, the journal's readers, and the scientific community, the owners/publishers of the journals, and the public as a whole. Editors must conduct their activities according to generally accepted standards for integrity and objectivity and with the journal's and the publisher's policies. JTAM adheres to the COPE short guide to ethical editing.
- Editors must evaluate the intellectual substance of each manuscript submitted to the journal, disregarding the authors' gender, race, ethnicity, religion, or citizenship.
- Editors and staff should maintain the confidentiality of all information related to manuscripts submitted by authors to this journal, including the identity of reviewers.
- Editors should avoid using unpublished information for personal research purposes without written consent from the authors.
- Editors possess the unequivocal right to decline a manuscript that is unsuitable for publication or does not align with the journal's scope without the need to involve external reviewers or undergo formal peer review. This decision is solely made by the editors, reflecting their expertise and editorial discretion.
- Editorial board members should refrain from evaluating a manuscript if they have conflicts of interest due to relationships or connections with the authors, companies, or institutions connected to the manuscripts.
- The editor-in-chief is responsible for selecting articles for publication based on their value to the field and in accordance with the journal's policies and legal requirements. In making the decision editor may consult with other editors or reviewers.
- It is imperative for editors to diligently undertake all possible measures to ensure that the submitted manuscripts are processed efficiently and in a timely manner.
- Suppose an editor is provided with compelling evidence that the primary content or findings of an article published in the Journal of Theoretical and Applied Management contain errors. In that case, it is the editor's duty to aid in the publication of an accurate erratum.
Serious ethical misconduct will not be tolerated and will be promptly addressed in accordance with COPE guidelines. For detailed guidelines, please visit:
Publication Frequency
Journal of Theoretical and Applied Management (Jurnal Manajemen Teori dan Terapan) published three times a year (January-April, May-August, and September-December)
Screening for Plagiarism
The manuscript that submitted into this journal will be screened for plagiarism using Turnitin. Manuscript with similarity rate more than 25% will be returned immediately to the author(s)
Article Processing Charges
Journal of Theoretical and Applied Management (Jurnal Manajemen Teori dan Terapan) is a journal that is not profit-oriented. All articles published in Journal of Theoretical and Applied Management are open access and freely available online. Therefore, to cover the review and publication process, Journal of Theoretical and Applied Management charges the following fees:
- The cost of article submission: IDR 0.- (USD 0.-)
- Processing Fees for the publication of articles accepted: IDR 500,000.- (USD 35.-)
- Authors with an international (foreign) affiliation are free of submission and processing charges