Vol. 6 No. 1IS (1): Vol 6 Issue Spesial 2021 Journal of Aquaculture Science
Original Research
Effect of Humic Acid Supplementation in Feed on The Growth and The Total Number of Bacteria in The Digestive Tract of Catfish (Clarias sp.)
1-14Abstract : 248PDF (Bahasa Indonesia) : 61 -
The dynamics of the socio-cultural life of coastal communities
28-36Abstract : 213PDF (Bahasa Indonesia) : 3215 -
Mussels meatballs development strategy as an effort to improve the economy of the Kedungrejo village communities subdistrict Muncar
37-43Abstract : 125PDF (Bahasa Indonesia) : 47 -
Aquaculture Base Group (ABG) as an Effort to Develop a Sustainable Fisheries Economy
44-51Abstract : 153PDF (Bahasa Indonesia) : 27 -
Identification Of Problems And Models Of Coastal Area Management Labuhan Village Sumbawa, District Labuhan Badas, Sumbawa
77-89Abstract : 154PDF (Bahasa Indonesia) : 80 -
Household Business Development Strategy in Cemara Beach Banyuwangi (Case Study of Housewives' Business KUB Pantai Rejo)
90-96Abstract : 133PDF (Bahasa Indonesia) : 30 -
Efforts to Reduce Organic Matter In Shrimp Aquaculture Wastewater With Various Bacterial Consortium Trademarks
97-109Abstract : 211PDF (Bahasa Indonesia) : 301 -
Insilico Prediction of Biological Activity of Secondary Metabolites of Amphora sp.: for Development of Natural Medicines
110-118Abstract : 191PDF (Bahasa Indonesia) : 47 -
Socio-Economic Situation of Coastal Communities in Blimbingsari Village, Blimbingsari District, Banyuwangi Regency
119-125Abstract : 133PDF (Bahasa Indonesia) : 156 -
The Influence of Economic and Entrepreneurial Environmental Factors on Coffee Farming Performance in Banyuwangi Regency
126-133Abstract : 165PDF (Bahasa Indonesia) : 39 -
Ecotourism-Based Mangrove Conservation Strategy in Cemara Beach, Banyuwangi Regency
148-156Abstract : 237PDF : 961 -
Community-Based Disaster Mitigation System In Muncar Beach, Banyuwangi Regency
157-163Abstract : 154PDF (Bahasa Indonesia) : 161 -
Mapping and Identification of Mangrove in Coastal Area of Wongsorejo District
174-182Abstract : 152PDF (Bahasa Indonesia) : 39 -
Economic Study Of Tuna Loin Industry Development In Kaur Regency, Bengkulu Province
231-244Abstract : 147PDF : 197 -
Efforts to Increase the Income of Small Fishermen Through Off Fishing Employment in Banyuwangi Regency
261-267Abstract : 135PDF : 62