Qualitative Study of Feeding Patterns and Nutritional Status of Toddlers with Deaf Parents in The Deaf Recitation Community in Wonokromo, Surabaya
Background : Children under five years (Toddlers) experience rapid growth and development, both physically and psychomotorically. Toddler nutritional status is one of the indicators used to measure toddler health, including estimating the risk of disease. One of the factors that influence the nutritional status of children under five is feeding patterns. Feeding patterns are part of parenting which specifically concerns practices of the parenting food to children. Feeding patterns are an interaction between parents and toddlers, including deaf parents. The limited ability to hear impedes the language and communication skills of deaf, so it has an impact to the way deaf parents raise their toddlers.
Objectives : This study aimed to examine parenting patterns and determine the nutritional status of toddlers from deaf parents in the deaf recitation community in Wonokromo Village, Surabaya.
Method: Interviews, observations, documentation, and anthropometric measurements were held on three deaf families selected through purposive sampling. Family members and health workers as data triangulation. The data were analyzed by grouping data according to themes in narratives.
Results : The results showed that two mothers of toddlers had not breastfed for even two years. Deaf mothers found it difficult to breastfeed while working. Toddlers who live with families know and accept more types of food. Deaf parents share roles in providing food, so mothers are not the main providers. Deaf parents follow the toddler's wishes and do not force the toddler to eat. There is not much two-way interaction. Deaf parents act as providers while the toddlers are the receiver. Toddlers were not given a choice in their food menu, were fed, and were allowed to play, so they did not focus on their food. Deafness also results in a lack of nutritional knowledge for deaf people due to limited understanding, access to information, and communication. The three toddlers showed normal nutritional status at the time of the study. Although, one of the toddlers showed underweight status before the study was held.
Conclusion : Deafness is not a big obstacle in toddlers' feeding patterns. However, it still impacting the feeding practice, especially in interactions between toddlers and deaf parents, as well as the introduction of food. This research also shows the principal role of families and health workers as supervisors, information providers, and motivators, especially in monitoring the growth of toddlers whose parents are deaf. The nutritional status of the three toddlers showed normal by the antropomethric measurements.
Keywords : Deaf parents, feeding patterns, nutritional status, toddlers
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